dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Understanding Research for Nursing Students




Evidence-based Practice in Nursing
Leadership, Management and Team Working in Nursing
Patient Assessment and Care Planning in Nursing
Social Psychology of Emotion
Understanding Ethics for Nursing Students
Understanding Research for Nursing Students
Understanding Research for Nursing Students
Understanding Research for Nursing Students

NUR Codes (sub)

890 Paramedisch algemeen

Het PNF-concept in de praktijk    
Van contractie naar actie    
Willen we het weten?    
Klinisch redeneren doe je zo    
Meten is weten    
Werken met het verpleegkundig dossier    
Winkel slimmer, wordt slanker    
Glutenvrij genieten    
Verpleegkunde volgens het Neuman Systems Model
Eet- en drinkproblemen bij jonge kinderen
Kunst van Vesalius    
Terugkeer van de ziel
Lief voor je Lijf
Lang en vitaal leven    
Cursusboek Bedrijfshulpverlening | Kind & omgeving    
De wondere wereld van dementie    
Het oerdieet    
A taste of good living: the senior citizen s restaurant    
Autisme vooruit    
Autisme en tijdsbesef    
De medische renaissance van de twaalfde eeuw    
RE(d)T je gewicht®    
Magnetic Resonance Imaging    
Dik in orde    
Jaarboek fysiotherapie kinesitherapie | 2012    
Themata uit de psychomotorische therapie | Boek 22    
Hersenletsel: begrijpen en begeleiden    
De binnenkant van blauw    
Wie slim wil worden moet lekker eten    
Kleinschalig wonen voor mensen met dementie    
Coachen in samenwerkingsrelaties    
Agressief gedrag bij dementie    
Medical Taping Concept
Psychogeriatrie, interdisciplinaire praktijk volgens de dynamische systeemanalyse    
Diagnosen, interventies & resultaten    
Gezondheidsbevordering en preventie door paramedici    
Psychotherapie en spiritualiteit in de praktijk    
Ruimte om te sterven    
De stemgids    
Verpleegkundige standaarden van zorg bij verslavingspsychiatrie    
Krachttraining en coördinatie    
Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de (paramedische) zorg    
De laatste illusie
Het geheim van de ruimtelift    


MEDICAL / Nursing / Research & Theory

Inleiding wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor het gezondheidsonderwijs    
Veranderende samenwerking in de zorg    
Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives
Understanding Research for Nursing Students
Succeeding in Literature Reviews and Research Project Plans for Nursing Students
Delivering Person-Centred Care in Nursing
Mental Health Policy for Nurses
Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health
Interpreting Qualitative Data
Succeeding in Literature Reviews and Research Project Plans for Nursing Students
Nursing Research
Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Research
Understanding Nursing and Healthcare Research
Qualitative Research Methods for Nurses
The Essentials of Nursing and Healthcare Research
Qualitative Dissertation Methodology: A Guide for Research Design and Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Action Research for Nurses
Understanding Supervision and Assessment in Nursing
Theorising in Everyday Nursing Practice
Introducing Research Methodology
Doing Rapid Qualitative Research
Doing a Literature Review in Nursing, Health and Social Care
Making Sense of Research in Nursing, Health and Social Care
Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives
Research Methods for Nurses and Midwives
Understanding Research for Nursing Students
Understanding Research for Nursing Students
Understanding Research for Nursing Students
Practical Statistics for Nursing Using SPSS
Introduction to Cognitive Ethnography and Systematic Field Work
Action Research in Nursing and Healthcare
Action Research in Nursing and Healthcare
Quality Improvement in Healthcare


Learning Matters

Safeguarding in Social Work Practice
Passing the Literacy Skills Test
Reflective Practice in Social Work
Nursing Adults With Long Term Conditions
Introduction to Nursing for First Year Students
Succeeding in Essays, Exams and OSCEs for Nursing Students
Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Developmental Psychology
Leading for Health and Wellbeing
Nursing in Partnership with Patients and Carers
Youth Justice and Social Work
Preceptorship for Newly Registered Nurses
Safeguarding Adults in Social Work
Measuring Health and Wellbeing
Policing Terrorism
Cognitive Psychology
Research Skills for Medical Students
Using Counselling Skills in Social Work
Social Work in a Digital Society
Professional Accountability in Social Care and Health: Challenging unacceptable practice and its management
Teaching Arithmetic in Primary Schools
Thinking Through Ethics and Values in Primary Education
Innovating for Patient Safety in Medicine
Passing PTLLS Assessments
Study Skills for Health and Social Care Students
Becoming a Registered Nurse: Making the transition to practice
Acute and Critical Care in Adult Nursing
Principles and Practice of Nurse Prescribing
Delivering Person-Centred Care in Nursing
Fundamental English and Mathematics Skills for Trainee Teachers
Evidence Based Teaching in Secondary Schools
Health Promotion for Nursing Associates
A Broad and Balanced Curriculum in Primary Schools
Teaching Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling in Primary Schools
Professionalism in Primary Teaching
Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics in Primary Schools
Effective Supervision for Counsellors: An Introduction
Themes and Debates in Early Childhood
Using Health Policy in Nursing Practice
Primary Science: Teaching Theory and Practice
Social Work and Foster Care
Effective Supervision in Social Work
Teaching Higher Education Courses in Further Education Colleges
Caring for Older People in Nursing
Becoming a Practitioner in the Early Years
Teaching and Training Vocational Learners
Successful Mentoring in Nursing
Action Learning in Social Work
Creativity in Primary Education
Lessons in Teaching Grammar in Primary Schools
