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Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware




Agile Foundation Courseware    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware - Deutsch    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware - Nederlands
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware – Nederlands    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware-Nederlands    
AI Fundamentals Courseware
ArchiMate® 3 Foundation and Practitioner (Level 1 & 2) Courseware    
BA Foundation Courseware for Business Analysis    
BIAN Banking Architecture Foundation Courseware    
BIAN Certification level 1 courseware    
BIAN Data Architecture & Design Specialist Courseware    
BIM op basis van BiSL® Next Courseware voor Business Information Management Foundation    
BiSL ® Next Courseware    
BiSL® 4e editie Foundation Courseware
BiSL® Foundation Courseware    
Blockchain Foundation Courseware    
Business Object Modeling (BOM) - workbook    
Certificado PM2 Foundation por Open PM2 Group Courseware    
Certificazione PM2 Foundation rilasciata da PM² GROUP    
Certified BIO (CBP) Practitioner Courseware    
Certified BIO (CBP) Practitioner Courseware
Certified BIO Professional - Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid - Courseware    
Certified PM2 Foundation by PM2 GROUP Courseware    
Certified Test Automation Professional (CTAP) Courseware    
Courseware based on The Archimate® Standard, Version 3.1 – Foundation and Certified (Level 1 & 2) by Van Haren Publishing    
Courseware based on the TOGAF EA- foundation    
Courseware based on the TOGAF® EA - Practitioner
Courseware based on the TOGAF® EA – Bridge
Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1)    
Courseware based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2 - Foundation (Level 1)
Courseware for IPMA Individual Certification    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware    
Create, Deliver & Support (CDS) Courseware    
Create, Deliver & Support (CDS) Courseware    
Data Analysis Foundation Courseware    
Data Literacy Practitioner's Guide    
Data Management courseware based on CDMP Fundamentals    
Data Management courseware based on CDMP Fundamentals    
Data Management Fundamentals (DMF) - CDMP exam preparation    
Data Visualization Practitioner's Guide    
DevOps Foundation Courseware - English    
DevOps Foundation Courseware - Nederlands
DevOps Master Courseware    
DevOps Professional Courseware    
EDF Data Literacy Professional Courseware    
EDF Data Visualization Professional Courseware    
Experience Management and XLA® Foundation Courseware    
Extension courseware based on the Archimate Standard, Version 3.1 Standard by Van Haren Publishing    
Extension courseware based on the Archimate Standard, Version 3.1 Standard by Van Haren Publishing
Generative AI courseware
Generative AI courseware
Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001 ’22 Courseware    
Information Security Foundation op basis van ISO/IEC 27001 ’22 Courseware    
Information Security Management Professional (ISMP) based on ISO/IEC 27001 Courseware - 4th revised Edition
Information Security Management Professional based on ISO/IEC 27001 Courseware – English    
Information security management professional based on ISO/IEC 27001 Coursware - English    
IPMA-C based on ICB 4 Courseware    
IPMA-C op basis van ICB 4 Courseware    
ITAMOrg® Hardware Asset Management Specialist Courseware    
ITAMOrg® Hardware Asset Management Specialist Courseware
ITAMOrg® IT Asset Management Foundation Courseware    
ITAMOrg® IT Asset Management Foundation Courseware    
ITAMOrg® IT Asset Management Foundation Courseware
ITIL 4 Foundation Courseware - Español    
ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan, Improve (DPI) Kursunterlagen - Deutsche    
ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan, Improve (DPI) Kursunterlagen - Deutsche
ITIL® 4 Direct, Plan, Improve Glossary (DPI) Courseware    
ITIL® 4 Foundation Courseware - Deutsch    
ITIL® 4 Foundation Courseware - English    
ITIL® 4 Foundation Courseware - Español
ITIL® 4 Foundation Courseware - Nederlands    
ITIL® 4 Foundation Matériel de Cours - Française    
ITIL® 4 Leader Digital and IT Strategy (DITS) Courseware    
ITIL® 4 Managing Professional Courseware    
ITIL® 4 Specialist – Create, Deliver & Support (CDS) Kursunterlagen    
ITIL® 4 Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV) Courseware    
ITIL® 4 Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV) Kursunterlagen - Deutsch    
ITIL® 4 Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV) Kursunterlagen - Deutsch
ITIL® 4 Specialist High Velocity IT (HVIT) Courseware    
ITIL® 4 Specialist High Velocity IT (HVIT) Kursunterlagen    
Kanban Foundation Courseware    
LSSA Lean (Six Sigma) Yellow Belt Courseware    
M O R® Foundation Risk Management Courseware – English    
M O R® Risk Management Foundation Courseware – English    
M_o_R Management of rosl Practitioner    
M_o_R® 4th edition Management of Risk Practitioner    
M_o_R® Courseware    
MoP® Foundation Management of Portfolios Courseware – English    
Mov® Foundation Management of Value Courseware – English    
Mov® Practitioner Management of Value Courseware – English    
MSP® 5th edition Foundation Courseware - English    
MSP® 5th edition Practitioner Courseware - English    
MSP® Foundation Programme Management Courseware – English    
MSP® Practitioner Programme Management Courseware – English    
NIS2 Professional (CNIS2) Courseware    
NL AIC AI For Business and Government Courseware    
OBM Foundation Courseware – English – Revised edition    
OBM Foundation Kursmaterialien-Deutsch    
P3O® Foundation Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices Courseware – English    
PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation Courseware – English    
PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner Courseware    
PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner Courseware – English    
Prince2® | 2017 Foundation Courseware English    
PRINCE2® 2017 edition Foundation | Courseware - English    
PRINCE2® 2017 Edition Practitioner    
Prince2® editie 2017 Foundation | Courseware - Nederlands    
PRINCE2® Editie 2017 Foundation Courseware Nederlands - 2de herziene druk    
PRINCE2® Foundation | 2017 | Courseware-Nederlands    
PRINCE2®- 6e Edition Fondation Courseware - Français    
PRINCE2Agile® Foundation Courseware – Nederlands    
Privacy & Data Protection Essentials Courseware - English    
Privacy & Data Protection Foundation    
Privacy & Data Protection Foundation Courseware
Privacy & Data Protection Practitioner
Project Management op basis van PRINCE2®    
Project Management op basis van PRINCE2® 7de Editie Foundation    
Projektmanagement basierend auf PRINCE2® Foundation 6. Auflage Lernpaket – Deutsch    
Projektmanagement basierend auf PRINCE2® Practitioner 6. Auflage Lernpaket – Deutsch
Service Automation FrameworkCourseware    
SIAM™ Professional Courseware    
Support de Cours Certification PM² Fondation par l’PM² GROUP    
Text Generative AI Foundation courseware    
TRIM (The Rational IT Model™) Foundation    
VeriSM Stiftung Courseware in Deutsch    
VeriSM ™ - Foundation - Português (Brasil)
VeriSM™ - Foundations Courseware - Español    
VeriSM™ – Foundation Courseware    
VeriSM™ Professional Courseware    
Zertifiziertes PM² Foundation durch die PM² GROUP    


Nader K. Rad

Agile Foundation Courseware    
Agile Scrum foundation    
Agile Scrum Foundation    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware - Deutsch    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware - Nederlands
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware – Nederlands    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware-Nederlands    
Agile Scrum Handboek    
Agile Scrum Handbook    
Agile Scrum Handbuch
Agile Scrum Handbuch    
Agile Scrum Handbuch    
Agile Scrum Handbuch – 3. Auflage    
Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware • Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware
Courseware: Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware    
Los Fundamentos de Agile Scrum    

NUR Codes (sub)

800 Bedrijfskunde algemeen

Het onmisbare middenkader    
Bloggen als een pro in 60 minuten    
Het recht op een baas    
Emailmarketing in 60 minuten    
Slimmer online werken in 60 minuten    
Ik weet dat u liegt    
LinkedInmarketing in 60 minuten    
Het grote gesprekkenboek    
De 13 slimste ondernemerstips van Hollands beste pizzabakker    
Ontketen vernieuwing!    
Fluitend leidinggeven    
Suits & Hoodies    
Altijd prijs    
Ongewoon goed vergaderen    
Spelen om te winnen of om niet te verliezen    
Het membership-model    
Handboek integriteit en compliance    
Hoe word ik een speedboot?    
De kleine Covey    
Leiderschap is een keuze    
Thoughts from a grumpy innovator    
Marketing handboek voor een succesvolle praktijk    
Publiek leiderschap    
Elke dag feest    
ARAR verklaard | 2015-2016    
We quit mail    
Minimal management    
Persuasion profiling    
Un companion de poche du Guide PMBOK® du PMI    
Firma Franciscus
Het weekend van zeven dagen    
De Virgin-Way    
Is illusie niet alles?
Leiderschap door (zelf)coaching    
Stilte, ik spreek!    
PAKKET 'klanten'
Arbonormenboek | 2015-2
Map breed    
Basiskennis management    
Het Rieten Dak    
Basisprincipes praktijkonderzoek    



Kern van het internationaal publiekrecht    
Klinisch redeneren doe je zo    
Meten is weten    
Arbeidsrecht begrepen    
Ethiek en economie    
Het verplichte ouderschapsplan: regeling en werking    
Werken met het verpleegkundig dossier    
Un companion de poche du Guide PMBOK® du PMI    
De pabotoets natuur en techniek haal je zo    
Belastingheffing voor particulieren | 2014/2015 | Theorieboek    
Handboek taalgericht vakonderwijs    
Didactiek van het vreemdetalenonderwijs    
Moderne vreemde talen in de onderbouw    
Veroordeeld tot verbondenheid    
Criminaliteit en rechtshandhaving 2013    
Risico en crisiscommunicatie    
Genres in schoolvakken    
Samen werken aan schoolsucces    
Internet in het gezin    
Kostencalculatie | Niveau 5 MBA    
Omgaan met regelovertreding in vertrouwensrelaties    
Politie en evenementen    
Gedragsverandering binnen en buiten de klas    
Slaap je al door    
Basisboek duurzame ontwikkeling    
Basisboek enquêteren    
Consumentengedrag, de basis    
Het onderwijsdebat    
Denken helpt    
Managen van agile projecten    
Implementing effective IT governance and IT management    
Financiering niveau | niveau 5 MBA    
Sesam atlas van de anatomie | deel 1: Bewegingsapparaat    
Contract and Commercial Management    
Duel in de zestien    
De kunst en wetenschap van het lesgeven    
De Gouden Rugzak    
Groeien doe je samen    
Sterk met een vitaal netwerk    
Financiele rekenkunde voor het HEO    
Fockema Andreae's juridisch woordenboek    
Recht: een inleiding    
Zit stil!    
ITIL pocketguide | 2011    
Praktisch Europees Recht    
Praktisch internationaal recht    
Fundamentals of contract and commercial management    


Van Haren Publishing

Managen van agile projecten    
TOGAF® 9 Foundation    
IT Capability Maturity Framework (IT-CMF)    
Het Project Management Office als serviceafdeling    
Over getallen gesproken - Talking about numbers    
ISO/IEC 20000    
The IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.1    
De FSM-methode    
Business Transformatie Framework -    
Global standards and publications | 2016/2017    
ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification    
Archimate® 3.0 - A Pocket Guide    
The better practices of project management Based on IPMA competences – 4th revised edition    
De complete projectmanager    
Fundamentos de ITIL ® V3    
De opdrachtgever    
IT4IT™ for managing the business of IT    
The BRMP® guide to the BRM body of knowledge    
IT4IT™ Foundation Study Guide    
Esourcing capability model for client organizations (eSCM-CL)    
Global best practices    
Aanvullende literatuur BiSL® Advanced examen    
Business analysis based on BABOK guide | Version 2    
Projectmanagement op basis van ICB versie 4    
TRIM: the rational IT model    
Information security foundation based on iso/iec 27002 courseware    
BiSL® Foundation Courseware    
CIO 3.0    
IPMA-C op basis van ICB 4 Courseware    
Service automation framework    
BiSL Advanced courseware    
O-TTPS for ICT product integrity and supply chain Security    
BiSL Next    
Implementing information security based on iso 27001/iso 27002    
Implementing Metrics for IT Service Management    
Process Management Based on SqEME® | 2008    
Service management strategies that work    
Implementing ISO/IEC 20000 Certification: The Roadmap    
Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0 – A pocket Guide    
IT Outsourcing | 1 Contracting the Partner | a management guide    
Information Security    
Information Security Management with ITIL® V3    
Esourcing capability model for service providers (eSCM-SP)    
ITSM Process Assessment Supporting ITIL    
Implementing strategic sourcing    
Six Sigma for IT Management - A Pocket Guide    
IT Service Management from Hell based on Not ITIL | 3    
Service Agreements