dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Composing architecture and interior design



Simos Vamvakidis

Composing architecture and interior design
Composing architecture and interior design    
Innovative Architecture Strategies    

NUR Codes (sub)

640 Kunst algemeen

Breitner in Rotterdam    
Amsterdam gebouwd op palen    
Great War Fashion
Juane Xue    
Dijken van Nederland    
Dutch dikes    
Nationaal Militair Museum    
Double Dutch    
Built environment | 2013-2014    
Onze jongens    
Simon Koene    
Een knaap a deux mains
Archiprix International Madrid | 2015    
Kunst en politiek    
Dat kan mijn kleine zusje ook    
Vincent van Gogh    
Michaël Borremans
Hollands bouwblok en publiek domein
Rietveldprijs 2009    
Armer en rijker    
Wall and Piece    
Stencil King    
The Faith of Graffiti    
Vrouwen die lezen zijn gevaarlijk    
De schilderkunst der Lage Landen | 2    
Organized Networks    
Second Opinion    
Phantom City    
Magnum Magnum    
Echte Katten    
De alledaagse en de geplande stad    
Plan B    
Van Vught & Van Gogh    
Rembrandt and his Circle    
100 huizen 100 iconen    
De 75 beroemdste bouwwerken van Nederland    
Frank Dekkers    
Schilders tussen Dinkel en Regge    
She who takes fear from the trees    
Samen sneller slimmer    
Lieve Lasten    
Tree of forgetfulness = Boom der vergetelheid = L 'Arbre de l'oubli = A bon fu frigiti    
Alexander, Napoleon & Joséphine    
Marius van Dokkum    
Mokum 50    


ARCHITECTURE / Buildings / General

De ruimtelijke metamorfose van Nederland 1988-2015    
Weather in the City    
De stoep    
Cities in transition    
Naar goed gebruik | 2015    
We want world wonders    
Rekenen op herbestemming    
Action and Reaction in architecture; Actie en reactie in architec-tuur    
Help, we zijn populair    
eBook building for the cow    
What happened to my buildings    
How to make a relevant public space    
Liefde voor de Hollandse bouwkunst    
Reuse Redevelop and Design - Updated Edition    
De Stijl in the Netherlands    
Stadsnatuur maken / Making urban nature    
Destination Architecture
De adaptieve luchthaven    
Progress & prosperity    
State beyond state    
Noise landscape    
Het Rotterdamse dakenboek    
Architecture Inside + Out
Too Big    
Composing architecture and interior design
Composing architecture and interior design    
Goodbye Architecture    
In transitie    
Lonely Planet Verbazingwekkende architectuur    
Beautified China    
Breaking Ground
100 Ideas that Changed Architecture
Postmodern Architecture
Mag dit weg    
Berlage en een boef in het museum    
Mag dit weg    
The NAi Effect
Gouden Piramide 2016
Tiny Houses: Living    
Radical Architecture of the Future
Atlas of Brutalist Architecture
Het gedroomde museum. Kunstmuseum Den Haag    
Ein Traum von Einem Museum. Kunstmuseum Den Haag    
Oases in de stad    
Urban Oases    
Het Detail    

ARCHITECTURE / Design, Drafting, Drawing & Presentation

Handboek voor toegankelijkheid    
The fast guide to architectural form    
Composing architecture and interior design
Composing architecture and interior design    
Design Process in Architecture
All the Restaurants in New York
Archiprix International 2019 Santiago, Chili    
Towers of Choices    
Cafe Culture
Slide design    
New York
Housing Design    
Practices of Drawing    
Sign Painting
We Build Drawings
The Housing Project    
OASE 107    
Nationale Architectuurguide    
Journal for Architecture    
De tekening in landschapsontwerp en stedenbouw/The Drawing in Landscape Design and Urbanism    
3D tekenen met Sketchup 4e editie    
Introduction to Architectural Technology Third Edition
Archiprix International 2021, Addis Ababa
Cabin Fever    
Hidden Architecture    
The making of De Groene Gooyers    
Dutch Dwellings
Urban Oasis
Construction briefing    
Landscape Design Sketches
Brick Architecture
Relation of Elements    
Norman Foster
Het perspectiefboek    
Modernist Beirut
Henry Hobson Richardson
The Elements of Modern Architecture
Guidelines and Standards for the Visual Design
Anime Architecture
The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design
Architectural Styles

ARCHITECTURE / Interior Design / General

Interior Life    
Think vintage    
3D-tekenen met Sketchup    
Handboek voor toegankelijkheid    
Close to nature    
Scandinavia Dreaming : Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design: Scandinavian Design, Interiors and Living
Leve de keuken!    
De Renovatiebijbel 2    
Think radical vintage    
Grand Stand 6
Nordic By Nature
Weg ermee    
Composing architecture and interior design
Composing architecture and interior design    
Clive Wilkinson
Who's afraid of pink, orange & green?    
Who's afraid of pink, orange & green?    
De kleine gids voor kamerplanten    
Rock 'n' Roll Interiors    
Love Colour    
Planning Learning Spaces
Living in Style Paris
Bea Mombaers    
South Africa    
Living in Style Amsterdam
Interior Design Review
Living in Style Mountain Chalets (revised edition)
More is More
Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Vol. 23
DIT. Do it together    
100 Houses
Habitat Rotterdam    
Out of the Blue
Eric Kuster: Interior Design Vol. 2
The Theatre of Work
Hybrid Food Retail
Het grote interieurboek    
Hybrid Food Retail
Live Small/Live Modern
Tiny Houses: Living    
De love affair van een Hollands huis    
By Design
Omer Arbel
Andrew Martin Interior Design Review
Architecture and Design Review
Designing Your World II    
Andrew Martin (Vol. 25)

ARCHITECTURE / Methods & Materials

The fast guide to architectural form    
Composing architecture and interior design
Composing architecture and interior design    
The making of La Forêt - Acht appartementen en twee penthouses in Doorn    
The Story of the Bucky Lab    
The Fast Guide to Accessibility Design    
Nationale Architectuurguide    
Included. Architectuur als middel voor een nieuwe toekomst / Architecture as a means for a new future    
Spijkers en draadnagels
Powerskin Conference Proceedings
Glass Design Innovations in Architecture    
Innovatieve glasontwerpen in architectuur    
Binnenklimaat en adaptief thermisch comfort
Advancing Transparency    
Door de bomen het huis    
Waardevolle Wijken    
Circular Communities    
Wood: Living and Working
Bouwen met een positieve footprint    
Over het Urban Design van Blue Cities    
Young Projects
Building with a Positive Footprint    
Reuse to Reduce    
Amazing Mountain Cabins    
Brick Architecture
Container Architecture
Down to Earth
Modular Projects
The Fast Guide to The Fundamentals of Architectural Design    
Concrete Architecture
Bouwmaterialen 1940-1990    
Concrete Architecture
AI-Assisted Architectural Design    
Towards the Integration of Additive Manufacturing for Freeform Steel and Glass Facade Construction    
Stone Houses
Een nieuwe omgang met comfort
Pallets 3.0
Bend & Build
Fascination Concrete
Prefab and Modular
Brick by Brick
Circular Materials
Contemporary Brick Buildings
Contemporary Concrete Buildings


BIS Publishers BV

Thinking in services
Outsider art memory game
Think like a manager, don't act like one    
Read nothing in here    
Event design handbook    
Strategic design    
Concept code    
Design my privacy    
Different brains, different approach    
Creative thinker's exercise book    
Het grote dilemma op dinsdag spel    
The innovation maze    
This is my New York    
CEX Sells    
The startup game    
The divergent and convergent thinking book    
The book of do-ness    
Creative chef postcards    
This Human    
Visual thinking    
Once upon a time I went to...    
Mastering the art of negotiation    
Don't talk just kiss    
Innovative Architecture Strategies    
Type tricks    
Alles is onderhandelen    
Contrarian branding    
Your work and your life    
Think like an artist, don't act like one    
The f***ing history of swearing    
Mezza card game    
Collage memory game    
Create to Conquer    
The 7 principles of complete co-creation    
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.    
How to be a Graphic Designer...2nd edition
The Art of Parenting    
The Social Climber’s Handbook    
Think like a designer, don't act like one    
Composing architecture and interior design
Composing architecture and interior design    
How to be a better tourist    
Creativity +    
Thinking in Services    
Designing With and Within Public Organizations    
Robot Memory Game    
Worlds of Wonder    
Never sleep with the director    
Honden & Puppy's