dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Circular Materials




A Map of the World (Updated & Extended Version)
A Spoonful of Sun
A Year with Our Food Stories
Abraham's Kitchen
American Icons
American Icons Vol. 2
Archdaily's Guide to Good Architecture
Art Escapes
Beautiful Machines
Beautiful Machines: The Italians
Bon Voyage
Brand New Brand
Brick by Brick
Building for Change
Cabin Fever    
Cabin Fever
Circular Materials
Circular Materials
Come Together
Concrete Jungle
Cote d'Azur Living
Country and Cozy
Courtside Candy
Creative Homes
Designing Brands
Disney's Hotel New York
Dream Businesses
Dreamscapes and Artificial Architecture
Epic Train Journeys
Grand Bikepacking Journeys
House of Joy
Inspiring Family Homes
Isay Weinfeld
Jaime Hayon Elements
Kitchen Interiors
Leaving the Comfort Zone
Life on the Road
Life's a Beach
Living in a Dream
Living to the Max
Marvel By Design
Mindful Places to Stay
Modernist Icons
Newspaper Design
Nordic By Nature
On the Run
Out of the Woods
Prefab and Modular
Pretty Small
Riding in the Wild
Roots and Wings
Sailing the Seas
Sailing the Seas Volume 2
She Surf
Slow Escapes
Soft Electronics
Spatial Storytelling
Spill the Beans
Stay Wild
Sublime Hideaways
Surf Atlas
Surf Porn
Temples of Books
The Americans - Beautiful Machines
The Art Escapes Atlas
The Art of Protest
The Avant Gardens
The Beauty of Time Travel
The Book of Temples
The Colors of Life
The Getaways
The Great Alone
The Great American Road Trip
The Great Divide
The House of Green
The Incomplete
The Incomplete (Updated Edition)
The Incomplete Vol. 2
The Mediterranean Home
The Nature of Swimming
The New Beauty
The New Mediterranean
The New Outsiders
The Nordic Home
The Obsessed
The Oceans
The Parklands
The Rebel's Wardrobe
The Savile Row Suit
The Touch (New Edition)
The Wild Life
The World's Best Shops
Two Years on a Bike
Ukraine Rising
Upgrade Your House
Urban Farmers
Urban Playgrounds
Venture Onward
Wanderlust - Alpen    
Wanderlust - Europa    
Wanderlust - Groot-Brittannië en Ierland    
Wanderlust - USA    
Wanderlust British & Irish Isles
Wanderlust Europe
Wanderlust Mediterranean
Wanderlust Nordics
What A Wedding!
Work Better, Live Smarter

Joe Gibbs

Circular Materials
Circular Materials

NUR Codes (sub)

150 Kunstzinnige vorming algemeen

Films Maken    
Spelletjes uit de hele wereld    
Art is more    
Dada 72    
Oudhollands tafelgebed poezieservet met gedicht set van 12 ex    
Films maken, jongeren en antichaosrecepten    
Intro | 4/5/6/ havo/vwo | proefkatern 2
Meet Barbara Hepworth
Muziek leren    
Uitstapjes in de wereld van de schilderkunst    
Intro | 4/5/6/ havo/vwo | Proefkatern boek 1    
Wout Vercammen    
Opleidingspakket: Ondernemendleren Verkoopspecialist deel 2
Chapel Saint Vincent    
Spelen met grote handpoppen    
Au travail avec Vincent
Down to work with Vincent
30 x 45 Minuten Kunst | Groep 5/8    
Ontvangen en verwerken van goederen    
Verkopen en service verlenen    
Kassatransacties afhandelen    
Opleidingspakket: Ondernemendleren Verkoper
Opleidingspakket: Ondernemendleren Verkoopspecialist deel 1
Opleidingspakket: Ondernemendleren Verkoopspecialist deel 1 en 2
Doorstroompakket Verkoper/verkoopspecialist
Kunstvlucht | 1    
Ondernemend leren | Fase 1 ik wil als verkoopspecialist de winkel in | Werkboek    
Fase 2 | Ik wil als verkoopspecialist de winkel in | Werkboek    
Fase 3 | Verzorgen ontvangst en verwerking van goederen | Werkboek    
Fase 3 | Verkopen adviseren en service verlenen    
Kassatransacties afhandelen en/of deze leiden | Fase 3 | Mijn werkboek    
Fase 3 | Optimaliseren verkoop en assortiment | Werkboek    
Rekenen in de detailhandel    
HMC interieuradviseur | Deel 2    
Langs de straten van Jakarta    
Creatief werken met portret en zelfportret    
Ik wil als verkoper de winkel in    
Werkboek ce ondernemerschap    
Kunst voor beginnende kunstenaars    
Alternatieven voor ruzie maken    
Intro | 1 Vmbo | Leerboek    
Intro | 1 Vmbo | Werkmap    
Intro | 1 Vmbo | Werkmap    
Intro | 2 Vmbo | Leerboek    
Intro | 2 Vmbo | Werkmap    
Intro | 2 Vmbo | Werkmap    
Intro | 1 HV    
Intro TTO | 2 Havo Vwo | Leerlingenboek    
Intro | 1 Havo/vwo | Leerboek    
Intro | 1 mhv | Werkboek    


ARCHITECTURE / Adaptive Reuse & Renovation

Handboek voor toegankelijkheid    
Reuse Redevelop and Design - Updated Edition    
Facade 2018 – Adaptive!    
Dash 15 Huis Werk Stad    
Facade Refurbishment Toolbox
Old Houses Made New
The High Line
Energy Innovation #5
Integral facade construction
The Matter of Future Heritage
Binnenklimaat en adaptief thermisch comfort
Understanding the decision-­making process in homeowner energy retrofits    
Brooklyn Bridge Park
De vernieuwing van Paleis Het Loo    
Reflections: Renewing Paleis Het Loo    
Transformatie naar woningen    
Architecture Repurposed    
Journal of Facade Design Engineering    
Hi Site    
Stay Overnight
Upgrade Your House
Understanding and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Adaptive Reuse of Built Heritage    
Building for Change
Reconceptualizing Interventions of Built Heritage    
Circular Materials
Circular Materials

ARCHITECTURE / Methods & Materials

The fast guide to architectural form    
Composing architecture and interior design    
The making of La Forêt - Acht appartementen en twee penthouses in Doorn    
The Story of the Bucky Lab    
The Fast Guide to Accessibility Design    
Nationale Architectuurguide    
Included. Architectuur als middel voor een nieuwe toekomst / Architecture as a means for a new future    
Spijkers en draadnagels
Powerskin Conference Proceedings
Glass Design Innovations in Architecture    
Innovatieve glasontwerpen in architectuur    
Binnenklimaat en adaptief thermisch comfort
Advancing Transparency    
Door de bomen het huis    
Waardevolle Wijken    
Circular Communities    
Wood: Living and Working
Bouwen met een positieve footprint    
Over het Urban Design van Blue Cities    
Young Projects
Building with a Positive Footprint    
Reuse to Reduce    
Amazing Mountain Cabins    
Brick Architecture
Container Architecture
Down to Earth
Modular Projects
The Fast Guide to The Fundamentals of Architectural Design    
Concrete Architecture
Bouwmaterialen 1940-1990    
Concrete Architecture
AI-Assisted Architectural Design    
Towards the Integration of Additive Manufacturing for Freeform Steel and Glass Facade Construction    
Stone Houses
Een nieuwe omgang met comfort
Pallets 3.0
Bend & Build
Fascination Concrete
Prefab and Modular
Brick by Brick
Circular Materials
Circular Materials
Contemporary Brick Buildings
Contemporary Concrete Buildings

ARCHITECTURE / Sustainability & Green Design

Weather in the City    
Material matters    
Designing for the common good    
Vitamin Green
City Made    
Sustainable High-rises    
Make Sense
Powerskin conference    
Alles over elektrische auto's    
Future Challenges of Cities in Asia    
Een objectieve kijk op waterstof    
Zo kan het ook    
Hybrid Ventilation
Circulariteit, op weg naar 2050?
Urban climate design
Adaptive facade network – Europe
Dwelling on courtyards
Strategic investment of embodied energy during the architectural planning process
Integral facade construction
Building with Nature    
Individually ­controlled noise reducing ­devices to improve IEQ in classrooms of primary schools    
Small Eco Houses
Japan: Nation Building Nature    
Powerskin Conference Proceedings
Solar Geometry in Performance of the Built Environment
BiodiverCITY. A Matter of Vital Soil!    
The future city    
Binnenklimaat en adaptief thermisch comfort
Future Homes
Green Mallorca
Shared Mobility Rocks
Cabin Fever    
Door de bomen het huis    
Waardevolle Wijken    
Circular Communities    
Weer verandert alles    
Wood: Living and Working
Bouwen met een positieve footprint    
Landschapsplan Nederland    
Over het Urban Design van Blue Cities    
Het ABC van ESG voor Vastgoedprofessionals    
Building with a Positive Footprint    
African Water Cities    
Down to Earth    
Down to Earth    
Urban Oasis

DESIGN / Product

Delft design guide    
De designfactor    
Producttekenen en -documenteren    
Shaping Intuition HofmanDujardin    
The Glass of the Architects
Drive time
Barber Osgerby
Integrated design and engineering    
What Would Jane Do?
From the Desk of Jane Austen
Herman Miller
The Art of the Fold
Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials
Food is Fictie / Food is Fiction    
100 Ideas That Changed Design
Book of Rolex
Contemporary Chinese Furniture Design
Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design
Ultimate Toys For Men, New edition’
Rolex: The Watch Book (New, Extended Edition)
The Watch Book II
The Watch Book Rolex
Ultimate Toys for Men
The Watch Book Compendium
Satyendra Pakhalé    
The Design Book, new edition
Dieter Rams: The Complete Works
User Friendly
Mepal. Vanzelfsprekend Bijzonder    
The Watch Book
Men's Manual
Rolex: The Watch Book, New, Extended Edition
Treasures from the Patek Philippe Museum, two volumes
The Watch Book Rolex
Woman Made
Investing in Wristwatches: Rolex
Muller Van Severen
Rammelaars en rinkelbellen    
Faye Toogood
The ECAL Manual of Style
Nichetto Studio
Design for Sustainability Survival Guide    
The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching - Extended Edition    


Die Gestalten Verlag

One Year on a Bike
Scandinavia Dreaming : Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design: Scandinavian Design, Interiors and Living
Nordic By Nature
The Monocle Guide to Building Better Cities
The Incomplete
The New Outsiders
The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets
Wanderlust USA
Beautiful Machines
Blue Blooded
Epic Train Journeys
The Getaways
Slow Escapes
Cooking on Fire
Sun and Shiro and the Polka-Dot Snake
The New Mediterranean
Sailing the Seas
Eat Your Greens!
The Mediterranean Home
Wanderlust Europe
Remote Places to Stay
Two Years on a Bike
The Savile Row Suit
Mindful Places to Stay
Porsche 911
Easy Peasy
Bon Voyage
Inspiring Family Homes
Wanderlust Himalaya
Come Together
The Art of Protest
What A Wedding!
Wanderlust Alps
The Great American Road Trip
Temples of Books
Marvel By Design
Ikarus Invites the World's Best Chefs
Cabin Fever
Country and Cozy
Roots and Wings
Spill the Beans
A Spoonful of Sun
House of Joy
Urban Playgrounds
The Wild Life


Persell Trading