Producttekenen en -documenteren
Shaping Intuition HofmanDujardin
The Glass of the Architects
Integrated design and engineering
From the Desk of Jane Austen
Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials
Food is Fictie / Food is Fiction
100 Ideas That Changed Design
Contemporary Chinese Furniture Design
Prototyping and Modelmaking for Product Design
Ultimate Toys For Men, New edition’
Rolex: The Watch Book (New, Extended Edition)
The Watch Book Compendium
The Design Book, new edition
Dieter Rams: The Complete Works
Mepal. Vanzelfsprekend Bijzonder
Rolex: The Watch Book, New, Extended Edition
Treasures from the Patek Philippe Museum, two volumes
Investing in Wristwatches: Rolex
Rammelaars en rinkelbellen
Design for Sustainability Survival Guide
The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching - Extended Edition