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I wish there was color, I wish there was sound



Nederlands Fotomuseum

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Sterke Verhalen    


Esther Aminata Kamara

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Doreen Baingana

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Birgit Donker

Eregalerij van de Nederlandse fotografie    
Gallery of Honour of Dutch Photography    
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Kleine mannetjes    
Rotterdam Werkt!    
Sterke Verhalen    
Vincent Mentzel. Foto’s    

Kermurl Fofanah

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Nico de Klerk

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Guinevere Ras

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Andrea Stultiens

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Intensive care    
Pose Ugandan images    
The Kaddu Wasswa Archive    

Andrea Stultiens

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Intensive care    
Pose Ugandan images    
The Kaddu Wasswa Archive    

Will Boase

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Annika Felder

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Willem Groenewegen

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
My Funny Valentine    

Eleonoor Jap Sam

A Black Collage    
A Colour Has Many Layers. Liesbeth Piena    
As far as I know    
Below the Underground. Ansuya Blom    
Blind Date with the Future
Celebrating Patterns. Christie van der Haak    
Chronic Monochrome    
Collected Works    
De artistieke attitude    
Doorways. Michiel Kluiters    
Een zwarte collage    
Forget & Remember
Gabo. Portrait of a Sculpture / Portret van een sculptuur    
Hannah van Bart    
Het ringvaartgevoel    
Hier | Here - Frank Halmans    
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Ivory Black, Deep Orange Yellow    
Jan van Munster Licht | Light (F-D-N)    
jaune, geel, gelb, yellow    
LABYRINTH. Ton Kraayeveld
Maria Hees    
Moderniteit in een behoudende omgeving    
OUT SIDE IN SIDE OUT. Linda Molenaar
Prix de Rome | 2023    
Prix de Rome 2019. Beeldende Kunst / Visual Arts
Prix de Rome 2021    
Prix de Rome 2022    
Six impossible things before breakfast    
Solar Futures    
The Artist As Explorer | Madelon Hooykaas    
The artistic attitude    
The File on D. / Dossier D. - Arianne Olthaar
The Joy of Daily Drawing. Bob Custers    
The Walter Benjamin and Albert S. Project    
Verboden Landschap    
What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond    
Working with Architectonic DNA    

Kummer & Herrman

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Women we have not lost yet    

Petra ter Veer

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Willem Groenewegen

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
My Funny Valentine    

Amar Jamal

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

Petra ter Veer

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    

NUR Codes (sub)

640 Kunst algemeen

Breitner in Rotterdam    
Amsterdam gebouwd op palen    
Great War Fashion
Juane Xue    
Dijken van Nederland    
Dutch dikes    
Nationaal Militair Museum    
Double Dutch    
Built environment | 2013-2014    
Onze jongens    
Simon Koene    
Een knaap a deux mains
Archiprix International Madrid | 2015    
Kunst en politiek    
Dat kan mijn kleine zusje ook    
Vincent van Gogh    
Michaël Borremans
Hollands bouwblok en publiek domein
Rietveldprijs 2009    
Armer en rijker    
Wall and Piece    
Stencil King    
The Faith of Graffiti    
Vrouwen die lezen zijn gevaarlijk    
De schilderkunst der Lage Landen | 2    
Organized Networks    
Second Opinion    
Phantom City    
Magnum Magnum    
Echte Katten    
De alledaagse en de geplande stad    
Plan B    
Van Vught & Van Gogh    
Rembrandt and his Circle    
100 huizen 100 iconen    
De 75 beroemdste bouwwerken van Nederland    
Frank Dekkers    
Schilders tussen Dinkel en Regge    
She who takes fear from the trees    
Samen sneller slimmer    
Lieve Lasten    
Tree of forgetfulness = Boom der vergetelheid = L 'Arbre de l'oubli = A bon fu frigiti    
Alexander, Napoleon & Joséphine    
Marius van Dokkum    
Mokum 50    


ART / Criticism & Theory

Common Skin    
Andy Warhols roadtrip    
Art in Europe 1945-1968    
De volmaakte beschouwer    
De diepte van kunst    
Art as Therapy
The complete writings    
Wegwijzers in oude en moderne kunst, 1918-1965    
Nazism and Neo-Nazism in Film and Media    
Looking at Art With Alex Katz
The image revisited    
Art and Autonomy    
The Dwarf in the Chess Machine    
"Disassembled" Images
Lumumba in the Arts    
The Lives of Artists
Questions of meaning    
Art London
Door de ogen van Sis van Rossem    
Rembrandts Thuis    
The Work of Terrence Malick    
A Rembrandt invention    
New Commitment / Reflect 1    
De capsulaire beschaving / Reflect 3    
The Capsular Civilization /    
Urban Politics Now / Reflect 6    
Art and Activism in the Age of Globalization / Reflect 8    
Nieuw Engagement / Reflect 1    
Reading Rembrandt    
Wat een kunst is dat schilderen!    
Altijd iets te vinden    
Kwesties van betekenis    
Disaster Cinema in Historical Perspective    
Psychical Realism    
Forces of Art    
Tussen kunst en cash    
Ground Sea    
Artists on Art
Fundamentals of Art History
Methods, Theories of Art History Third Edition
Ways of Looking at Art
Why bees do not see red and we sometimes feel blue
Tegen de tijd    
Visual Culture
No University    
de Nederlandse Boekengids | 2022-1    

PHOTOGRAPHY / Photoessays & Documentaries

Het leven van Evert    
Lipstick en smeerolie    
Lauren Greenfield: Generation Wealth
Steen voor steen    
Zoon / Son    
Objectief Nederland    
Mijn Holland
D.P.R. Korea - Grand Tour    
Project Cleansweep
Moon Rabbit
Gas and Glamour
There is a Crack in Everything
My Mind's Eye
Human Nature    
David Bowie: Icon
World Press Photo 2020    
Out of Place
Rumors of War
Arctic Heroes
Het is stil in Amsterdam    
Amsterdam is oh so quiet    
A place of our Own    
La Bella e la Bestia    
So Long    
World Press Photo 2022    
Weggecijferd. Teruggevochten.    
Outside Room 8
World Press Photo 2023
Debaltsevo, where are you?    
Naar Kevelaer!    
The Rolling Stones: Icons
Tokyo Jazz Joints
My Mom Wants to Go Back Home    
World Press Photo 2024    
Tante José    
How to Disappear: A Photographic Portrait of Radiohead
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Exposure - Nederlandse editie
Ed Templeton: Wires Crossed
Movie Theaters
Nan Goldin: The Ballad of Sexual Dependency
Beautiful Bacteria
Dali's Mustache

PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Historical

Het leven van Evert    
The Best of Doisneau: Paris
De tijd in kleur    
Shaky Ground    
Rotterdam de allereerste kleurenfoto's 1937-1945    
Everyone a Photographer    
From Above
In het voetspoor van Blasius    
Het land van de jonker    
Tussen Maas en Moezel
Muggen & olifanten    
Contact Zones    
Get Back    
Vrouwen in kleur    
De jaren 70    
Gas Stations    
Building a White Nation    
Tante José    
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    
Apollo Remastered
An Alternative History of Photography
Found Photography
Akihiko Okamura
New York. Portrait of a City
France 1900. A Portrait in Color


Jap Sam Books / Nederlands Fotomuseum

I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound    


Jap Sam Books