A Colour Has Many Layers. Liesbeth Piena
Below the Underground. Ansuya Blom
Blind Date with the Future
Celebrating Patterns. Christie van der Haak
Contemporary Art from India. Schoo Collection / Hedendaagse kunst uit India - Schoo Collectie
Doorways. Michiel Kluiters
Gabo. Portrait of a Sculpture / Portret van een sculptuur
Hier | Here - Frank Halmans
I wish there was color, I wish there was sound
Ivory Black, Deep Orange Yellow
Jan van Munster Licht | Light (F-D-N)
jaune, geel, gelb, yellow
LABYRINTH. Ton Kraayeveld
Moderniteit in een behoudende omgeving
OUT SIDE IN SIDE OUT. Linda Molenaar
Prix de Rome 2019. Beeldende Kunst / Visual Arts
Six impossible things before breakfast
The Artist As Explorer | Madelon Hooykaas
The File on D. / Dossier D. - Arianne Olthaar
The Joy of Daily Drawing. Bob Custers
The Walter Benjamin and Albert S. Project
What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond
Working with Architectonic DNA