dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Gert Dumbar



Max Bruinsma

Design for the good society
Gerd Arntz    
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Hard werken: one for All    
Lovely Language    

Leonie ten Duis

Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar

Gert Dumbar

Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar

NUR Codes (sub)

640 Kunst algemeen

Breitner in Rotterdam    
Amsterdam gebouwd op palen    
Great War Fashion
Juane Xue    
Dijken van Nederland    
Dutch dikes    
Nationaal Militair Museum    
Double Dutch    
Built environment | 2013-2014    
Onze jongens    
Simon Koene    
Een knaap a deux mains
Archiprix International Madrid | 2015    
Kunst en politiek    
Dat kan mijn kleine zusje ook    
Vincent van Gogh    
Michaël Borremans
Hollands bouwblok en publiek domein
Rietveldprijs 2009    
Armer en rijker    
Wall and Piece    
Stencil King    
The Faith of Graffiti    
Vrouwen die lezen zijn gevaarlijk    
De schilderkunst der Lage Landen | 2    
Organized Networks    
Second Opinion    
Phantom City    
Magnum Magnum    
Echte Katten    
De alledaagse en de geplande stad    
Plan B    
Van Vught & Van Gogh    
Rembrandt and his Circle    
100 huizen 100 iconen    
De 75 beroemdste bouwwerken van Nederland    
Frank Dekkers    
Schilders tussen Dinkel en Regge    
She who takes fear from the trees    
Samen sneller slimmer    
Lieve Lasten    
Tree of forgetfulness = Boom der vergetelheid = L 'Arbre de l'oubli = A bon fu frigiti    
Alexander, Napoleon & Joséphine    
Marius van Dokkum    
Mokum 50    


ART / General

The soft atlas of Amsterdam    
De stilte van het licht    
The serious game    
Dr. Rat    
PUR Facts    
Kennerschap en de ideale schoonheid    
De mens    
Portretten schilderen    
Art quilts in Nederland    
Zilver uit Batavia    
Erotique Rodin    
De kat van Mondriaan    
Kunst als publiek goed    
Eeuwige schoonheid - luxe-editie    
Soul of the documentary    
Wat is kunst?    
Bruegel in detail    
Fabritius, schilder van Het puttertje    
Digital Passages: Migrant Youth 2.0    
A Revolution for the Screen    
Getekend getekend    
Mediating Netherlandish art and material culture in Asia    
Wat kunst is    
The signature style of Frans Hals    
A world of culture    
Street art today (E-boek - ePub-formaat)
Britse muziek    
De navel van Daphne    
Hacking Habitat    
Een schilder in Parijs    
Sonic time machines    
Urban memory and visual culture in Berlin    
Art and politics    
Denk als een kunstenaar    
Op zoek naar Jeroen    
mijn leven als kluizenaar    
Atelier Krabbé    
De kunst van handen en voeten tekenen    
De basis van het tekenen    
Dijkshoorn kijkt kunst    
Beeldende architectuur    
Het gezicht van een wereldrijk    
Cinema's baroque flesh    
Hollywood is everywhere    
De ontsproten Picasso    
Remediating McLuhan    

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / General

Home made food note book    
Philographics postcard book    
Hipgnosis Portraits
Bullet journal - De handleiding    
Bullet journal. De handleiding    
Visual language    
Vintage Travel Posters
The Field Guide to Supergraphics
Het zonder woorden-boek    
Think like a designer, don't act like one    
Inspiratie voor innovatie    
100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design
Graphic Design Play Book
Printed in North Korea
Fake Love Letters, Forged Telegrams, and Prison Escape Maps
Save the humans
User Experience Design
Sh*t They Didn't Tell You
Why bees do not see red and we sometimes feel blue
Atlas of the Invisible
Plakkend design    
The Wide World of Graffiti
Can you feel it?    
The Impossibility of Silence    
Nasser Road    
User Experience Design
Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age    
Who can afford to be critical?    
De Best Verzorgde Boeken | The Best Dutch Book Designs 2022    
Paint, Paper & Going Places    
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Design Against Design    
Graphic Classics
How to bullet journal    
A Visible Distance    
Head to Toe
Postcards from Vogue
System Process Form
Herb Lubalin: American Graphic Designer
Colour Clash
The Package Design Book 6
The History of Graphic Design. 45th Ed.
Road Trip!

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Advertising

LOIS Logos    
Hegarty on Creativity
Pitching Ideas    
Worlds of Wonder    
Hidden Persuasion    
De 33 beste psychologische beïnvloedingstechnieken uit de reclame    
Creative Content Kit    
Soled Out
Forever 80's    
I love it. What is it?
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Goude: The Chanel Sketchbooks
Hegarty on Advertising
Godless Utopia
Dior Scarves. Fashion Stories.
Creative Demons and How to Slay Them
A to Z of The Designers Republic
Illustrators on Creative Processes
Hegarty on Advertising
Designing Brands

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Branding & Logo Design

LOIS Logos    
Brand the Change    
Grand Stand 6
Iron Fists
Think like a designer, don't act like one    
Logo x LogoII    
The Logo Design Idea Book
Logo, revised edition
Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape    
I love it. What is it?
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Redesigning Logos
Virgin by Design
Branded Interactions
Modern Heraldry Vol. 1
From Scandinavia
Logos from Japan
Marvel By Design
Venture Onward
Palette Perfect For Graphic Designers And Illustrators
BRANDLife: Health & Beauty
Decoding Logos
Identity as Strategy
Brand New Brand
The Beauty of Time Travel
Marvel by design
Space Mission Patches

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Commercial & Corporate

Japans vuur    
LOIS Logos    
Are we there yet?    
Album Art
Pitching Ideas    
How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole
Now Try Something Weirder
The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets
Hoe verzinnen ze het?    
De 33 beste psychologische beïnvloedingstechnieken uit de reclame    
Visual Merchandising Fourth Edition
Research for Designers
Zelf infographics maken    
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Virgin by Design
Pentagram: Living by Design
AEROFLOT – Fly Soviet
Corporate Design
Paul Rand: A Designer’s Eye
Decoding Logos

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Illustration

Philographics postcard book    
Vinyl . Album . Cover . Art
Sammy Slabbinck    
The Illustration Idea Book
72 tips - Handlettering doe je zo!    
Modern dutch coloring book    
Light for Visual Artists Second Edition
The Art of Game of Thrones
Children's Picturebooks Second Edition
We Build Drawings
Be More Keanu
Praktijkgids infographics ontwerpen    
Ieder seizoen zijn groen    
Regenboog mandala's kleurboek    
Modern dutch coloring book 3    
Type Tricks: User Design    
The Exceptionally Simple Theory of Sketching - Extended Edition    
Persco's in beeld    
The Art of the Tale of the Princess Kaguya
The Promised Neverland: Art Book World
Van hart tot hart    
Van hart tot hart - backcard à 6 exemplaren
Geluk voor kinderen - Posterboek    
Amsterdam Stories    
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Graphics on the Move: Dynamic Branding
Making Videogames
Illustrators' Sketchbooks
Comics (1964–2024)
Illustration: A Concise History
Drawing for Illustration
The Quentin Blake Book
Cut Up This Book and Create Your Own Wonderland
Reef Dream
Malika Favre
Picturebook Makers
GamesMaster: The Oral History
One Thousand Years of Manga
Forest Dream
Fashion Play
Greetings from Javier Jaén Studio
Mini Stories
The Marvel Age of Comics 1961–1978. 40th Ed.
Collage Meets Design
New Fashion Illustration

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Typography

The triumph of typography    
Meer met letters    
Ray Gun
Theory of Type Design    
Graphic Design, Third Edition
What's Your Type
Logo, revised edition
Fake Love Letters, Forged Telegrams, and Prison Escape Maps
Re-Printed Matter
Red Dot Design Yearbook 2020/2021: Living, Doing, Working & Enjoying
Grondslagen van de typografie
De Best Verzorgde Boeken 2020 | The Best Dutch Book Designs 2020
Type Tricks: User Design    
De omgevallen boekenkast    
Wenskaarten borduren op papier    
What is post-branding?
Playful Type Memory    
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
Diagrams of Power    
Indie Type: Typefaces and Creative Font Application in Design
The Ransom Note Sticker Book
Who the Hell is Müller-Brockmann?
Cyrillize it!
Mono is the new Black
Arcade Game Typography
Takenobu Igarashi: A to Z
Designing Fonts
Heated Words
Botanical Inspiration
Make Ink
Typography Beyond Borders
Meet the Typographer
Display in Use
Stencil in Use

DESIGN / History & Criticism

Post-Digital Print    
Graphic Design, Third Edition
The Roman Object Revolution    
Atlas of Brutalist Architecture
1000 Design Classics
101 Design Classics
Deja vu Style
Vrouwen in de vormgeving    
Designing for Society
The 1990s Fashion Book
Design Economies    
The Black Book
The Pink Book
Everyday Luxury
Gert Dumbar
Gert Dumbar
The White Book, Fashion
The Red Book
Space Age Design
The Story of Louis Vuitton Luggage
Behind the Gloss
Audrey in Paris
The Design Book
The Story of the Hermes Scarf
The Story of the Burberry Trench
Little Book of New York Style
Little Book of Tokyo Style
The Green Imperative
Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent
The Little Book of The Little Black Dress
Tom Ford
GUCCI: The Making Of
Liberty: The History - Luxury Edition: Treasure from the Archives of the London Department Store
Little Book of Seoul Style
Little Book of Milan Style
Virgil Abloh: Figures of Speech
The Story of Lamborghini
The Beauty of Everyday Things
Alessandro Mendini
The Age of Grandeur
La Dolce Vita



Dit is Nederland    
Joost Conijn IJzer & Video    
Maria Roosen, Mijn vrienden    
Along Amsterdam's Waterfront    
Willem Sandberg, portret van een kunstenaar    
Common Skin    
Of sponge, stone and the intertwinement with the here and now    
The responsible object    
Imaginative bodies    
Ulay, what is this thing called Polaroid?    
Arts education beyond art    
In-between Dance Cultures    
De volmaakte beschouwer    
The practice of dramaturgy    
The perfect spectator    
The Painted Bird    
Being public    
The lure of the biographical    
Rafaël Rozendaal    
Marjan Teeuwen, Destroyed House    
Lost and living (in) archives    
Brian O'Doherty/Patrick Ireland    
The Art of Civil Action    
The Trade of The Teacher    
Hard werken: one for All    
Pavilion Propositions    
The Long 80s    
Failed Images    
Courageous Citizens    
Plan and play, play and plan    
The transhistorical museum    
Jean Leering en de kunst    
Flourishing Foodscapes    
The Future of the New    
Sovereign Words    
Unlearning excercises    
Archive Species    
Conceptual art in a curatorial perspective    
Contemporary Artist Residencies    
Trading Between Architecture and Art    
Lost in Media    
In the Shadow of the Art Work    
Aesthetic justice    
The shape of evidence    
Mobile Autonomy    
The ethics of art    

