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Decoding Logos



Wang Shaoqiang

Decoding Logos
Decoding Logos

NUR Codes (sub)

640 Kunst algemeen

Breitner in Rotterdam    
Amsterdam gebouwd op palen    
Great War Fashion
Juane Xue    
Dijken van Nederland    
Dutch dikes    
Nationaal Militair Museum    
Double Dutch    
Built environment | 2013-2014    
Onze jongens    
Simon Koene    
Een knaap a deux mains
Archiprix International Madrid | 2015    
Kunst en politiek    
Dat kan mijn kleine zusje ook    
Vincent van Gogh    
Michaël Borremans
Hollands bouwblok en publiek domein
Rietveldprijs 2009    
Armer en rijker    
Wall and Piece    
Stencil King    
The Faith of Graffiti    
Vrouwen die lezen zijn gevaarlijk    
De schilderkunst der Lage Landen | 2    
Organized Networks    
Second Opinion    
Phantom City    
Magnum Magnum    
Echte Katten    
De alledaagse en de geplande stad    
Plan B    
Van Vught & Van Gogh    
Rembrandt and his Circle    
100 huizen 100 iconen    
De 75 beroemdste bouwwerken van Nederland    
Frank Dekkers    
Schilders tussen Dinkel en Regge    
She who takes fear from the trees    
Samen sneller slimmer    
Lieve Lasten    
Tree of forgetfulness = Boom der vergetelheid = L 'Arbre de l'oubli = A bon fu frigiti    
Alexander, Napoleon & Joséphine    
Marius van Dokkum    
Mokum 50    


DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Branding & Logo Design

LOIS Logos    
Brand the Change    
Grand Stand 6
Iron Fists
Think like a designer, don't act like one    
Logo x LogoII    
The Logo Design Idea Book
Logo, revised edition
Digital Gaming and the Advertising Landscape    
I love it. What is it?
Gert Dumbar
Redesigning Logos
Virgin by Design
Branded Interactions
Modern Heraldry Vol. 1
From Scandinavia
Logos from Japan
Marvel By Design
Venture Onward
Palette Perfect For Graphic Designers And Illustrators
Decoding Logos
Decoding Logos
Identity as Strategy
Brand New Brand
The Beauty of Time Travel
Marvel by design
Space Mission Patches

DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Commercial & Corporate

Japans vuur    
LOIS Logos    
Are we there yet?    
Album Art
Pitching Ideas    
How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole
Now Try Something Weirder
The Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets
Hoe verzinnen ze het?    
De 33 beste psychologische beïnvloedingstechnieken uit de reclame    
Visual Merchandising Fourth Edition
Research for Designers
Zelf infographics maken    
Gert Dumbar
Virgin by Design
Pentagram: Living by Design
AEROFLOT – Fly Soviet
Corporate Design
Paul Rand: A Designer’s Eye
GamesMaster: The Oral History
Decoding Logos
Decoding Logos



Mastering Machine Knitting: From the Thread to the Finished Garment. Updated and Revised New Edition
Redesigning Logos
Artists on Creative Processes: How Ideas Are Born
Fashion Palettes: Color Inspiration, Meaning and Mood
Graphics on the Move: Dynamic Branding
Art of Jesus Cisneros: Drawing from Memory
Japanese Tattoo: The History and Evolution of an Art Form
Reverse Coloring Book: Drawing Nature with Inverse Coloring
Japanese Bestiary: Animals in Japanese Mythology, Arts and Literature
Secret Life of Tattoos: Meanings, Shapes and Motifs
Palette Perfect, Vol. 2: Color Collective's Color Combinations by Season: Inspired by Fashion, Art and Style
Collage Meets Design
Patternmaking for Womenswear Vol. 2
Illustrators on Creative Processes
New Fashion Illustration
Printing Design for Graphic Designers
New Product Design
Living Colours
Street Art by Women: 50+ Essential Contemporary Artists
Decoding Logos
Decoding Logos
Ceramic Artists on Creative Processes