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NUR 320 Literaire non-fictie algemeen
740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen
747 Minderheden, racisme, vluchtelingen
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740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen
747 Minderheden, racisme, vluchtelingen
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NUR 320 Literaire non-fictie algemeen
740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen
747 Minderheden, racisme, vluchtelingen
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740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen
747 Minderheden, racisme, vluchtelingen
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Layal Liverpool
Lisette van Eijk
Nhomy Mettendaf
NUR Codes (sub)
320 Literaire non-fictie algemeen
Chasing Black Gold
Brieven van H. N. Werkman 1940-1945
Het Frankrijk van de Tour & de Tour van Utrecht
Collega's van God
740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen
Vernederd, verkracht, verborgen
HEALTH & FITNESS / Health Care Issues
HEALTH & FITNESS / Women's Health
MEDICAL / Caregiving
MEDICAL / Diagnostic Imaging / General
Sunny & Tim presents - Maggie's magnetic Imaging
Ray the X-Ray
PSYCHOLOGY / Statistics
Discovering Statistics Using R
Regression & Linear Modeling: Best Practices and Modern Methods
Statistics for Research in Psychology: A Modern Approach Using Estimation
Q Methodology
The Process of Statistical Analysis in Psychology
Essential Statistical Analysis In Focus: Alternate Guides for R, SAS, and Stata for Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Quick Guide to IBM® SPSS®
Howard T. Tokunaga
Statistical Analysis In Focus: Alternate Guides for R, SAS, and Stata for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Essential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Straightforward Statistics with Excel®
Latent Variable Models
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Human Anatomy & Physiology
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / General
China and India: History, Culture, Cooperation and Competition
Fieldwork in South Asia: Memories, Moments, and Experiences
Blisters on their Feet: Tales of Internally Displaced Persons in India's North East
India and Its Visual Cultures
From a Shepherd Boy to an Intellectual
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Black Studies (Global)
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Death & Dying
Death in the Modern World
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Disasters & Disaster Relief
A Paradise Built in Hell
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Disease & Health Issues
Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment: Strategies For Self-Improvement and Change, Pathways to Responsible Living
How to Respond in a Pandemic
Public Health Research Methods
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Discrimination & Race Relations
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / General
Internal Migration in Contemporary India
Drama for Development: Cultural Translation and Social Change
Ethnic Worlds in Select Indian Fiction
Migrants, Refugees and the Stateless in South Asia
Claiming India
Black Coffee in a Coconut Shell: Caste as Lived Experience
Internal Migration in Contemporary India
Latinx Experiences
Children of a Troubled Time
Atlas Contact
Parijs 1919