Ellen van Gelder
NUR Codes (sub)
890 Paramedisch algemeen
Medical Taping Concept
Diagnosen, interventies & resultaten
In I Am Not Strange, I Have Autism, author Ellen van Gelder gives a clear insight in the life of someone with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. She does this in 26 chapters, arranged from A to Z. Along with her own side of the story, she also includes stories of her 'fellow autists', who give their take on life with autism. With these practical insights, I Am Not Strange, I Have Autism is an inspiring book for people with ASD who are looking for more balance in their lives, but also for partners, caregivers, family members, or others who want to learn more about an ASD. It gives a nice and clear insight in the being-different of ASD. Ellen's book is a big hit in Europe.