Chukwudi Austin Anene
NUR Codes (sub)
400 Non-fictie Vrije tijd/algemeen
Het groene goud
Rooverworld introductieboek 2009-2012
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Chukwudi A. Anene, a first-time writer in this non-fiction delves into Cee's fourteen-year experiences in the Netherlands. Cee, an African asylum-seeker-turned-immigrant in the country largely lying below sea level; inhabited by some of the wonderful Germanic peoples, the ingenious Dutch. Arriving in the Netherlands as an asylum seeker, Cee sees an opportunity to pursuing his academic ambition; developing a high level of interest in ways that are capable of advancing his vision of a knowledge-based future. Starting from studying the language and culture of the land. Alas, hamstrung by prevailing policies. Cee would, in the process, witness a flurry of activity and the defining times in the Dutch asylum, immigration policy, noting down vital information and the policies' taking of shape every step of the way as they affect him personally, emotionally, and also as they affect asylum seekers collectively. In the small but great country concerned. And the larger immigrant communities in the land. The defining times as not just restricted to the above-stated policy but as they bring themselves to bear on the country itself: socioeconomic, political, juridical, but also personally psychological to Cee. The latter aspect informs Cee's story, as he hadn't 'skipped a single rank' in the procedures mapped out by Dutch authorities toward obtaining the country's papers. As he got over the several hurdles, Cee wouldn't skip any important events in the country, either. Focusing not necessarily just on personal encounters but also on other experiences. Drawn from those, empirically. As would relate to a narrative non-fiction that passes for a publicly-digestible story, text, to be reckoned among books on the Netherlands, written from an immigrant's perspective, in some social-science aspects. To access the interesting text, however, some meteorological notes precede.