dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)



HBR Emotional Intelligence Series

Authentic Leadership (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Dealing with Difficult People (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Empathy (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Energy + Motivation (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Focus (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Good Habits (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Happiness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Inclusion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Influence and Persuasion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Leadership Presence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Managing Your Anxiety (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Mindful Listening (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Mindfulness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Positivity and Growth (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Power and Impact (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Psychological Safety
Resilience (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Virtual EI (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)


Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Experience, Opportunity, and Developing Your Career

Harvard Business Review

Artificial Intelligence
Authentic Leadership (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Authenticity, Identity, and Being Yourself at Work (HBR Work Smart Series)
Bosses, Coworkers, and Building Great Work Relationships
Boundaries, Priorities, and Finding Work-Life Balance
Climate Change: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Creating Business Plans (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Customer Data and Privacy: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Dealing with Difficult People (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Delegating Work (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Difficult Conversations (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Empathy (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Energy + Motivation (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Experience, Opportunity, and Developing Your Career
Finance Basics (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Focus (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Generative AI: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Getting Work Done (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Giving Effective Feedback (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Good Habits (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Happiness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur's Handbook
Harvard Business Review handboek voor managers    
Harvard Business Review Manager's Handbook
HBR at 100
HBR Guide for Women at Work (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Better Mental Health at Work (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Coaching Employees (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Collaborative Teams (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Critical Thinking
HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Delivering Effective Feedback (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Executing Your Strategy
HBR Guide to Finance Basics for Managers (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring You Need (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Leading Through Change
HBR Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Managing Flexible Work (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Managing Stress at Work (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Motivating People (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Project Management (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Retaining Your Best People
HBR Guide to Smarter Networking (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Unlocking Creativity
HBR Guide to Your Job Search
HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2022: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus article "Begin with Trust" by Frances X. Frei and Anne Morriss)
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2023
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2025
HBR's 10 Must Reads for Executive Teams
HBR's 10 Must Reads for Mid-Level Managers
HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers (with bonus article "How Managers Become Leaders" by Michael D. Watkins) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI
HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age (with bonus article "Why Every Company Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy" by Michael E. Porter and James E. Heppelmann)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Communication (with featured article "The Necessary Art of Persuasion," by Jay A. Conger)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Data Strategy
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence (with featured article "What Makes a Leader?" by Daniel Goleman)(HBR's 10 Must Reads)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on High Performance
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership (with featured article "What Makes an Effective Executive," by Peter F. Drucker)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leading Winning Teams
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions (with featured article "Before You Make That Big Decision..." by Daniel Kahneman, Dan Lovallo, and Olivier Sibony)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing People (with featured article "Leadership That Gets Results," by Daniel Goleman)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Projects and Initiatives
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (with bonus article "How Will You Measure Your Life?" by Clayton M. Christensen)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Mental Toughness (with bonus interview "Post-Traumatic Growth and Building Resilience" with Martin Seligman) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Performance Management
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Sales (with bonus interview of Andris Zoltners) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing (with featured article "Marketing Myopia," by Theodore Levitt)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Women and Leadership (with bonus article "Sheryl Sandberg: The HBR Interview")
Hybrid Workplace: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Inclusion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Influence and Persuasion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Leadership Presence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Management Tips
Managing Projects (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Managing Time (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Managing Up (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Managing Your Anxiety (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Mindful Listening (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Mindfulness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Multigenerational Workplace: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Next-Level Negotiating (HBR Women at Work Series)
Overcoming Overwork
People, Performance, and Succeeding as a Manager
Positivity and Growth (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Power and Impact (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Presentations (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Psychological Safety
Resilience (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Running Meetings (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Self-Awareness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Taking Charge of Your Career (HBR Women at Work Series)
The Year in Tech, 2025
Thriving in a Male-Dominated Workplace (HBR Women at Work Series)
Virtual EI (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Web3: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Writing, Presenting, and Communicating with Confidence

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Op zoek naar nieuwe oplossingen    

Amy Jen Su

Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Focus (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Leadership Presence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

NUR Codes (sub)

780 Economie en bedrijf algemeen

The Dutch Tongue    
Van kenniseconomie naar wild kapitalisme en terug    
Leer beleggen als Warren Buffett    
Wie trekt de accountant weer vlot?
Compendium van de accountantscontrole | 3A    
Compendium van de accountantscontrole | 1 en 3A    
Knechel in Nederland    
Succesvol studeren voor LAC | 3
Succesvol studeren voor LAC | 4    
Studenteneditie VRA | 1 Wet- en regelgeving
Studenteneditie VRA combi | 1 en 1A
Komt het nog wel goed met ons?    
The art of audit    
Ethiek en economie    
Het weekend van zeven dagen    
Boekhouden geboekstaafd 1 hoofdboek    
Het Communistisch Manifest    
IFRS voor SME's | 2009
Het drama Ahold    
Bedrijfseconomie voor het besturen van organisaties    
De financiele functie    
Externe verslaggeving    
Methoden en technieken van bestuurskundig onderzoek    
Financien Vastgoed
Bedrijfsadministratie met Excel    
Elsevier IB almanak | 2014 Deel 1    
Thomas Piketty's kapitaal    
Een gezonde krimp    
Wij zijn allemaal IJslanders    
Wat nu?    
Checklist jaarrekening | 2013    
Handboek jaarrekening | 2012    
De euro    
The big short    
Externe verslaggeving    
Bedrijfsadministratie MBA    
Financial Instruments 2009
Bedrijfsadministratie MBA    
Tegen de trojka    
A Guide through IFRS 2014
Het verboden boek
Beleggen voor Dummies    
De kleine managen voor Dummies    
Goed verzekerd    
Digitale geldzaken    
IFRS 2014 Consolidated without early Application
Kostencalculatie | Niveau 5 MBA    
Kleine gids voor het einde van de wereld    
Nooit meer sjoemelen    



De kleine Covey    
De Orka Award    
Hoe krijg ik ze zover?    
De zeven eigenschappen van effectief leiderschap    
Van deskundige naar trainer    
De zeven eigenschappen voor succes in je leven    
De kracht van autoriteit    
Een voor allen, allen voor een    
De kunst van Kaizen    
Coachen: vinden - binden - scoren    
Gung Ho!    
Rijnlands transformeren    
De succesillusie    
Together is Better
Anders kijken    
De werkwijze van de Wolf    
The Art of People    
Hoe dan?    
Inspiratie voor innovatie    
Collega gezocht    
Hoe krijg ik ze zover? - bedrijfseditie
Be More Pirate    
Start before you're ready    
Minder moeten meer plezier    
De succesformule    
Handboek Eigenaarschap ontwikkelen bij anderen    
Hieroglyphs Bullet Journal    
Hieroglyphs Bullet Journal    
Hieroglyphs Bullet Journal    
Hieroglyphs Bullet Journal    
Hieroglyphs Bullet Journal    
Je bent wie je kent    
Denk als een rebel    
Hoe maak je van een blue Monday een freaky Friday?    
Hart in de zaak    
Da's typisch Tony's
Het Happy Office manifest    
Bescheiden vragen    
Make Dust or Eat Dust 2.0    
Filosofielessen voor avonturiers    
Een Tesla inparkeren kan iedereen    
How I built this    
Gemba walk    
Making your way    
Get your shit together    
Survivalgids voor de thuiswerker    
De man die nergens iets over te zeggen had    

BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Success

De kenniskermis    
Persoonlijke effectiviteit    
On Top    
Voorsprong door focus    
De zeven eigenschappen van een succesvol gezin    
On life    
Het nieuwe werken    
Je ongekende vermogens    
De kleine ontstressen voor dummies    
De kracht van liminaal denken    
Who Moved My Cheese
StrengthsFinder 2.0
Start Nu    
Babe, you got this. Het werkboek    
En nu jij!    
Hoe word ik beroemd?    
Ga doen wat je echt belangrijk vindt    
De onderneming ben jij    
Het 80/20- principe    
Train Your CEO Brain    
De kunst van goed leven    
Rake Vragen    
Het lef om gelukkig te zijn    
Ontdek je sterke punten 2.0    
Creativiteit van A tot Zen    
Sexy, but tired. but sexy.    
Van spanning naar ontspanning    
When the Box is the Limit    
Hoe dan?    
Goede leiders zweven niet    
Vriend van een vriend    
De BV IK    
From Big Ideas to Giant Leaps in a split second    
De Formule    
Trojan Workout
Het leukste boek ooit    
De start-up professional    
No filter    
Tribe of mentors    
Tem de krokodil    
Straight-Line Leadership    
From blog to brand    
Out of office    
Verdubbel je geld in vijf jaar    
Het nieuwsdieet    
Vergroot je charisma & krijg meer aandacht voor je verhaal    
Profileren zonder opscheppen    

SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Samenlevingen in balans    
De toverdoos    
Het nieuwe nietsdoen    
Boek van vergeving    
Niet te stoppen    
De oestercompagnie    
Het labyrint van de tijd    
Groots en meeslepend leven    
De kracht van motivatie    
De aarde zal weer vruchtbaar zijn    
Heel je leven    
Het verlichte brein    
Een nieuwe aarde    
Mijn dinsdagen met Morrie    
De stilte spreekt    
Intuitieve ontwikkeling    
Boek van de Universele Wetten    
Over je grenzen gaan    
De kracht van het NEE    
Een cursus in wonderen    
Het regent geluk    
Nu even stil    
Leven met hooggevoeligheid    
Wie heeft mijn kaas gepikt?    
Houden van jezelf    
Een ontmoeting met jezelf    
Het geheim van slanke mensen    
De terugkeer van de koning    
Ik ken mezelf en ben slank    
Vijf niveaus van gehechtheid    
Geen muur te hoog    
Je kunt je leven helen    
Tolteekse meditaties    
Be strong    
Dromen over de dood    
Nelson Mandela    
De vitale vrouw    
Leef je eigen leven    
Van achter het behang tot over je oren    
Bewust scheiden    
De zeven geheimen van de schildpad    
Het lijnen voorbij    
Leven zonder beperkingen    
Weerbaar met hoofd, hart en handen    
Het Amazonemedicijn    


Harvard Business Review Press

Resilience (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
The Year in Tech, 2025
Psychological Safety
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2025
Harvard Business Review Sales Management Handbook
Positivity and Growth (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
People, Performance, and Succeeding as a Manager
Writing, Presenting, and Communicating with Confidence
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership (with featured article "What Makes an Effective Executive," by Peter F. Drucker)
Managing Time (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Difficult Conversations (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Happiness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
HBR Guide for Women at Work (HBR Guide Series)
Influence and Persuasion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Women and Leadership (with bonus article "Sheryl Sandberg: The HBR Interview")
HBR at 100
HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations (HBR Guide Series)
Good Habits (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
HBR Guide to Leading Through Change
Overcoming Overwork
Authenticity, Identity, and Being Yourself at Work (HBR Work Smart Series)
Management Tips
Presentations (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Creating Business Plans (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
Delegating Work (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)
HBR Guide to Negotiating (HBR Guide Series)
Smart Collaboration
Harvard Business Review Manager's Handbook
HBR Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter (HBR Guide Series)
HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers (with bonus article "How Managers Become Leaders" by Michael D. Watkins) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
Mindfulness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Sales (with bonus interview of Andris Zoltners) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
Harvard Business Review Entrepreneur's Handbook
Harvard Business Review Leader's Handbook
HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers (HBR Guide Series)
HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth
Dealing with Difficult People (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Leadership Presence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Self-Awareness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Mindful Listening (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
HBR Guide to Motivating People (HBR Guide Series)
Artificial Intelligence
Power and Impact (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Customer Data and Privacy: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review
Multigenerational Workplace: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review