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The Definitive Book of Branding




The Definitive Book of Branding
The Definitive Book of Branding

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800 Bedrijfskunde algemeen

Het onmisbare middenkader    
Bloggen als een pro in 60 minuten    
Het recht op een baas    
Emailmarketing in 60 minuten    
Slimmer online werken in 60 minuten    
Ik weet dat u liegt    
LinkedInmarketing in 60 minuten    
Het grote gesprekkenboek    
De 13 slimste ondernemerstips van Hollands beste pizzabakker    
Ontketen vernieuwing!    
Fluitend leidinggeven    
Suits & Hoodies    
Altijd prijs    
Ongewoon goed vergaderen    
Spelen om te winnen of om niet te verliezen    
Het membership-model    
Handboek integriteit en compliance    
Hoe word ik een speedboot?    
De kleine Covey    
Leiderschap is een keuze    
Thoughts from a grumpy innovator    
Marketing handboek voor een succesvolle praktijk    
Publiek leiderschap    
Elke dag feest    
ARAR verklaard | 2015-2016    
We quit mail    
Minimal management    
Persuasion profiling    
Un companion de poche du Guide PMBOK® du PMI    
Firma Franciscus
Het weekend van zeven dagen    
De Virgin-Way    
Is illusie niet alles?
Leiderschap door (zelf)coaching    
Stilte, ik spreek!    
PAKKET 'klanten'
Arbonormenboek | 2015-2
Map breed    
Basiskennis management    
Het Rieten Dak    
Basisprincipes praktijkonderzoek    


BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Advertising & Promotion

Gek op gaten    
Geef nooit korting    
Handboek succesvol publiceren op amazon    
De kleine Je website promoten voor Dummies    
De nieuwe regels van social media 3de druk    
Reclame: dood of levend    
Adverteerder zkt. reclamebureau    
La publicite: morte ou vivante    
Open boek    
De inzet van touchpoints    
Winnen met e-mail marketing    
LOIS Logos    
De strijd om talent    
Contrarian branding    
LinkedIn voor bedrijven    
CEO; Change Executive Officer?    
Veranderende lidmaatschappen in de sport    
Worlds of Wonder    
Hidden Persuasion    
Liegen met cijfers    
The book 2019    
Hoe verzinnen ze het?    
Zo verkoop je alles    
Adverteren op LinkedIn
Volle Zalen    
Scoren met je beursdeelname    
Acquisitie & Sales    
Van passie naar boek    
From Cold Case to Gold Case    
De 33 beste psychologische beïnvloedingstechnieken uit de reclame    
Winnen is Zilver
Rich Dad Poor Dad    
Van vliegende tafels en boze buren
Acquisitie en Saleshandboek voor de (administratieve) dienstverlening
Verkoper met L.O.C.K. - sleutel
LinkedIn for business    
Creëer je eigen succes    
Macht is zilver, invloed is goud    
Verkopen, onderhandelen en accountmanagement
Creatief schrijven    
Advertising and the Transformation of Screen Cultures    
Verkopen op Bol.
Creativiteit in zaken
Verkopen: handboek voor jonge sales professionals
Controversies in Contemporary Advertising
Advertising and Promotion
Advertising Creative - International Student Edition
Think Like an Adman, Don't Act Like One    


SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd

Interruptions in Identity
Enterprise Support Systems: An International Perspective
Governance of Water: Institutional Alternatives and Political Economy
Handbook of Research in Enterprise Systems
Entrepreneurial Management
Inquilab: Bhagat Singh on Religion & Revolution
Leadership Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita
Unequal Life Chances: Equity and the Demographic Transition in India
Those Who Did Not Die: Impact of the Agrarian Crisis on Women in Punjab
Behind the Scenes: Contemporary Bollywood Directors and Their Cinema
Sustainable Good Governance, Development and Democracy
Strengthening Policy Research: Role of Think Tank Initiative in South Asia
Caste, Discrimination, and Exclusion in Modern India
Social Economy of Development in India
India's Film Society Movement: The Journey and its Impact
Cyber Crimes against Women in India
Sociology of Well-being: Lessons from India
Openings for Peace: UNSCR 1325, Women and Security in India
China and India: History, Culture, Cooperation and Competition
School Worlds: An Ethnographic Study
India Connected: Mapping the Impact of New Media
Embodying Motherhood: Perspectives from Contemporary India
Hinduism in India: Modern and Contemporary Movements
Financing Cities in India: Municipal Reforms, Fiscal Accountability and Urban Infrastructure
The Communist Party of India and the Indian Emergency
Nothing to Fix: Medicalisation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Trade in Services and Trade Agreements: Perspectives from India and the European Union
Badal Sircar: Towards a Theatre of Conscience
Sentiment, Politics, Censorship: The State of Hurt
Evaluation in the Extreme: Research, Impact and Politics in Violently Divided Societies
The Protection of Geographical Indications in India: A New Perspective on the French and European Experience
Technology, Innovations and Economic Development: Essays in Honour of Robert E. Evenson
Assorted City: Equity, Justice, and Politics in Urban Services Delivery
Multi-level Forest Governance in Asia: Concepts, Challenges and the Way Forward
Patel, Prasad and Rajaji: Myth of the Indian Right
Caring for the Elderly: Social Gerontology in the Indian Context
Linking India and Eastern Neighbours
Understanding Vulnerabilities in Contemporary Society
Sadhus in Indian Politics
Internal Migration in Contemporary India
Social Sector Communication in India: Concepts, Practices, and Case studies
Police and Counterinsurgency: The Untold Story of Tripura's COIN Campaign
Environment and Development: Essays in Honour of Dr U. Sankar
The Idea of Ancient India: Essays on Religion, Politics, and Archaeology
Military Psychology: Concepts, Trends and Interventions
Commercial Use of Biodiversity: Resolving the Access and Benefit Sharing Issues
Approach of ICT in Education for Rural Development: Good Practices from Developing Countries
India's 2014 Elections: A Modi-led BJP Sweep
The Paradox of India's North-South Divide: Lessons from the States and Regions
Inheritance, Hierarchy and Caste
