Tom Barman
NUR Codes (sub)
640 Kunst algemeen
Michaël Borremans
C. Stone. A book project
Philip Metten. Collages
Pass 2021
Artist Tom Barman (°1972, BE), known as a musician (dEUS, Taxiwars) and film director (Any way the wind blows), proves to be a gifted photographer as well. On tour he started experimenting with his camera during dead moments waiting for his next performance. Photography turned out to be a perfect way of exploring a city and creating at the same time. 'Everything else i do is o time-consuming and involves many people. Photography is fast and straightforward. It offers me instant gratifcation for a change'. This entanglement of speed an directness is reflected in the title of the book: Hurry up and wait. Barman creates intuitively and depicts whatever catches his eye, be it candyfloss, a detail of a scratch or his own shadow. The seductive images give us a glimpse of his personal story. Barman surrenders to his succulently coloured, electic world.