
A Hunger-Artist
Amerika of de verdwenen jongen    
Brief aan mijn vader en ander proza uit de nalatenschap    
De gedaanteverwisseling    
De gedaanteverwisseling    
De gedaanteverwisseling    
De metamorfoaze    
De metamorfose    
Franz Kafka. De tekeningen    
Het geluk te begrijpen (set van 6)
Het kasteel    
Het Proces    
Het proces    
Het proces    
Het slot    
Het slot    
Het vonnis    
Ik moet u zo ontzettend veel schrijven    
In het labyrint    
Metamorphosis and Other Stories
The Complete Short Stories
The Diaries of Franz Kafka
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
The trial    
The Trial
The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man
Verzameld proza    
Verzameld werk    



Anna Karenina: New Translation
Don Quixote
Eugene Onegin
Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog and Other Fiction
Praise of Folly
Pride and Prejudice
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories
Tales of Horror
The Idiot: New Translation
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Sorrows of Young Werther
The War of the Worlds
The Woman in White

Kakkerlakjes literatuur

Adempauze (set van 6)
Bovenwereld (set van 6)
Dankjewel (set van 6)    
Dat je vliegen kunt (set van 6)
De langzame wereld (set van 6)    
De ontdekking van de hemel (set van 6)
De toverberg (set van 6)
Eigen muis en tuin (set van 6)
Gelukkig is het weer voorbij (set van 6)
Het bureau (set van 6)    
Het geluk te begrijpen (set van 6)
Het huis op het kruispunt (set van 6)    
Het komt goed (set van 6)
Het verdriet van België (set van 6)    
Kakkerlakjes genrepakket LITERATUUR
Kijken naar het ongeziene (set van 6)    
Lessen van La Fontaine (set van 6)    
Met je hoofd in de wolken (set van 6)
Mijn lievelings (set van 6)    
Moeder op komst (set van 6)    
Moet je horen (set van 6)    
Na je tachtigste
Na je tachtigste (set van 6)    
Nuttige wenken bij een scheiding
Nuttige wenken bij een scheiding (set van 6)
Omdat jij het bent (set van 6)    
Ondersteboven tussen de petunia's (set van 6)    
Ontfrommelde pimpelmezen (set van 6)    
Pride & prejudice (set van 6)
Ulysses (set van 6)
Vader in beeld (set van 6)    
Verwondering blijft (set van 6)    
Voor altijd (set van 6)    

Little Clothbound Classics

A Spy In The House Of Love
About Love
Babette's Feast
Babylon Revisited
Big Blonde
Bonjour Tristesse
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Calypso in London
Death in Midsummer
Dream Story
Hell Screen
Lady Susan
Letters to a Young Poet
Lolly Willowes
My Friend Maigret
Nabokov's Dozen
Of Ghosts and Goblins
Of Mice and Men
Reginald's Christmas Revel
Shooting an Elephant
Snow Country
Street Haunting
Street Haunting
Territory of Light
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
The Awakening
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
The Cossacks
The Enchanted April
The Fall
The Gift of the Magi
The Imitation of the Rose
The Lagoon
The Library of Babel
The Lottery
The Masque of the Red Death
The Nutcracker
The Prophet
The Queen Of Spades
The Star-Child
White Nights

Macmillan Collector's Library

A Book Lover's Guide to the Zodiac
A Child's Christmas in Wales & Other Stories and Poems
A Christmas Carol
A Farewell To Arms
A Golden Treasury of Irish Verse
A House for Mr Biswas
A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Room of One's Own
A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of the Four
A Tale of Two Cities
A Town Like Alice
Aesop's Fables
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
All the Mowgli Stories
Anna Karenina
Anne of Green Gables
Around the World in Eighty Days
Best Fairy Tales
Best Short Stories
Black Beauty
Black Voices on Britain
Brighton Rock
Classic Cat Stories
Classic Christmas Crime Stories
Classic Dog Stories
Classic Fantasy Stories
Classic Horror Stories
Classic Locked Room Mysteries
Classic Science Fiction Stories
Classic Stories of the Sea
Collected Poems
Complete Ghost Stories
Crime and Punishment
David Copperfield
Diary of a Provincial Lady
Doctor Thorne
Don Quixote
Dragons, Wyverns and Serpents: Myths and Legends
Enchanted Tales & Happily Ever Afters
English Fairy Tales
Far From the Madding Crowd
Food for Thought
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Ghost Stories
Goblin Market & Other Poems
Great Expectations
Greek Myths: Gods and Goddesses
Greek Myths: Heroes and Heroines
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Gulliver's Travels
Hand in Hand with Love
Heart of Darkness & other stories
Homage to Catalonia
If Only They Could Talk
In the Ravine & Other Stories
Irish Ghost Stories
It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet
Jane Eyre
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Julius Caesar
Just So Stories
King Lear
King Richard III
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Leaves of Grass
Les Miserables
Little Women
London: An Illustrated Literary Companion
London: An Illustrated Literary Companion
Lord Peter Wimsey Investigates
Madame Bovary
Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park
Mrs Dalloway
My Antonia
My Gothic Heart
No Place Like Home
North and South
Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey
Oliver Twist
On the Origin of Species
Orwell and England
Our Mutual Friend
Our Place in Nature
Paris: A Literary Anthology
Peter Pan
Poems About Birds
Poems for Christmas
Poems for Christmas
Poems for Happiness
Poems for Love
Poems for Travellers
Poems for Travellers
Poems of Childhood
Poems of the Sea
Poems on Nature
Poems on Nature
Poems to Swipe Right To
Poetry of the First World War
Prelude & Other Stories
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice
Robinson Crusoe
Romeo and Juliet
Ross Poldark
Round About the Christmas Tree
Sanditon, Lady Susan, & The History of England
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility
Standing Her Ground
Sweet Danger
Tales and Poems
Tales of Mystery and Imagination
Tao Te Ching
Tender is the Night
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
The Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Thief
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Aeneid
The African Queen
The Analects
The Art of Solitude
The Art of War
The Awakening & Other Stories
The Beautiful and Damned
The Best of Sherlock Holmes
The Book of Tea
The Call of the Wild & White Fang
The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes
The Communist Manifesto & Selected Writings
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Daughter of Time
The Diary of a Nobody
The Enchanted April
The Franchise Affair
The Gardener's Year
The Golden Treasury
The Great Gatsby
The Greengage Summer
The Happy Prince & Other Stories
The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear
The House of Mirth
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
The Iliad
The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays
The Invisible Man
The Jane Austen Collection
The Joy of Walking
The Jungle Book
The Little Prince
The Little Prince
The Little Prince
The Master and Margarita
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
The Merchant of Venice
The Ministry of Fear
The Moonstone
The Odyssey
The Phantom of the Opera
The Pickwick Papers
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Prince
The Prophet
The Railway Children
The Return of Sherlock Holmes & His Last Bow
The Riddle of the Sands
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Scarlet Letter
The Secret Garden
The Shadow in The Corner & Other Classic Ghost Stories
The Sonnets
The Story of Doctor Dolittle
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other stories
The Tempest
The Third Man and Other Stories
The Three Musketeers
The Tiger in the Smoke
The Time Machine
The Travels of Ibn Battutah
The Trial
The Turn of the Screw and Owen Wingrave
The War of the Worlds
The Warden
The Water-Babies
The Wind in the Willows
The Wizard of Oz
The Yellow Wallpaper & Herland
Treasure Island
Treasures of Cornwall: A Literary Anthology
Twelfth Night
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Vanity Fair
What Katy Did
Why Friendship Matters
Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers: Myths and Legends
Women of the Harlem Renaissance
Wuthering Heights
Yorkshire: A Literary Landscape

Penguin Archive

A Confirmed Bachelor
A Dill Pickle
A Dog's Heart
A Hunger-Artist
A Lady in Kyoto
A Lost Lady
A Moment of War
A Poet Can Survive Everything But a Misprint
A Short Guide to Towns Without a Past
After Midnight
All God's Chillun Got Pride
An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter
Baron Bagge
Can Socialists be Happy?
Closely Watched Trains
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Ecce Homo
Family Happiness
For Art and for Life
How I Came to Know Fish
I am a Bird from Paradise
Jasmine Tea
Lady L.
Lamb to the Slaughter
Lois the Witch
Monkey King Makes Havoc in Heaven
Night Flight
Night Owls
No Coward Soul Is Mine
October Nights
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Paris France
Reflections in a Golden Eye
Sailing to Byzantium
Some Japanese Ghosts
Stan the Killer
Strange News from Another Planet
Sunflower Sutra
Tales from the Heart
The Blazing World
The Broken Nest
The Burial of the Rats
The Burned Sinner and the Harmonious Angels
The Chimes
The Country of the Pointed Firs
The Daemon Lover
The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
The Dreaming Child
The Driver's Seat
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Escape of Arsene Lupin
The Fire Next Time
The Genius
The History of England by a Partial, Prejudiced and Ignorant Historian
The House of Hunger
The Lady Bandit
The Maverick Pig
The New Dress
The Price of Freedom
The Prose Edda
The Rich Boy
The Seducer’s Diary
The Seventh Voyage
The Shadow out of Time
The Stalls of Barchester Cathedral
The Story of an Hour
The Time Machine
The Umbrella
The Wrath of Achilles
Thousand Cranes
To Read and Dream
Under the Jaguar Sun
Unpacking My Library
Whatever is Rational is Tolerable
Where Everything is Music
Why I am a Stoic

Pushkin Classics

A Bookshop in Berlin
A Different Sound
And the Earth Will Sit on the Moon
Beware of Pity
Birds, Beasts and a World Made New
Coin Locker Babies
Deep River
Effi Briest
Flight Without End
Glimpses of the Moon
Gothic Tales
In Love
Journey by Moonlight
Murder in the Age of Enlightenment
Parisian Days
The Allure of Chanel
The Beauties
The Book of Paradise
The Evenings
The Hunting Gun
The Journey to the East
The Queen of Spades and Selected Works
The Samurai
The Spectre of Alexander Wolf
The Unhappiness of Being a Single Man
The World of Yesterday
The Year of the Hare


Anna Karenina    
De minnaar    
De tolk van Java    
De toverberg    
De uitvreter / Titaantjes / Dichtertje / Mene Tekel    
De verlossing    
De vermaledijde vaders    
De wereld van gisteren    
Een coquette vrouw    
Een gevaarlijke verhouding    
Een nacht om te vliegeren    
Een ontgoocheling    
Een revolverschot    
Het proces    
Het Tankschip    
Kees de jongen    
Laten we vader eruit gooien    
Lijmen / Het Been    
Niet door water, maar door vuur    
Op de rug van vuile zwanen    
Revolutionary Road    
Terug tot Ina Damman    
Trots en vooroordeel    
Tsjip / De Leeuwentemmer    
Van oude mensen, de dingen die voorbijgaan    
Villa des Roses    
Zo sprak Zarathoestra    

Salamander Klassiek

De gedaanteverwisseling    
De Kartuize van Parma    
De kleine Johannes    
De koperen tuin    
De stille kracht    
De tocht van de tienduizend    
Een ontgoocheling & Het dwaallicht    
Een ontgoocheling & Het dwaallicht    
Handorakel en kunst van de voorzichtigheid    
Herinneringen van Hadrianus    
Het grote avontuur    
Het journaal van Bontekoe    
Het lijden van de jonge Werther    
Het proces    
Het slot    
Lof der Zotheid    
Mystiek lichaam    
Oorlog in Gallie    
Sinds de stichting van de Stad    
Snikken en grimlachjes    
Sonnetten en andere gedichten    
Van oude mensen, de dingen, die voorbijgaan...    
Verzamelde gedichten    
Villa des Roses