'Debating' Nature Conservation: Policy, Law and Practice in Indonesia
'Debating' Nature Conservation: Policy, Law and Practice in Indonesia
A brief history of Islam in Europe
A critical perspective on the reform of Dutch social security law
A crusader, Ottoman, and early modern aegean archaeology
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey
A journal of three months’ walk in Persia in 1884 by Captain John Compton Pyne
A Pictographic Naxi Origin Myth from Southwest China
A Story of Conquest and Adventure
Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment
After Antiquity ceramics and society in the Aegean from the 7 th to the 20 th century A.C.
Agreement restrictions in persian
Al die onbekende beroemdheden
Anatolian Livestock Trade in the Late Ottoman Empire
Animals In Dutch Travel Writing
Applying shari'a in the west
Archaeological Prediction and Risk Management
Archaeological Prediction and Risk Management
Archaeology and the application of artificial intelligence
Archeological investigations on St. Martin (Lesser Antilles)
Art, agency and living presence
Automating Governance in China?
Autumntide of the Middle Ages
Autumntide of the Middle Ages
Ayatollah Khomeini’s Mystical Poetry and its Reception in Iran and the Diaspora
Babad Tanah Jawi, The Chronicle of Java
Being Muslim in Indonesia
Better regulation in the European Union
Better regulation in the European Union
Big Books in Times of Big Data
Black Transnationalism and Japan
Brazilie in de Nederlandse archieven (1624-1654) = O Brasil em arquivos neerlandeses (1624-1654) | Mauritiana
Brazilië in de Nederlandse archieven (1624-1654) | 2N | Mauritiana
Brazilië in de Nederlandse Archieven (1624-1654) | 3 Mauritiana
Brazilië in de Nederlandse archieven / O Brasil em arquivos neerlandeses (1624-1654)
Brought under the law of the land
Bureaucrats of Liberation
Camering: Fernand Deligny on Cinema and the Image
Caribbean Cultural Heritage and the Nation
Case Studies in Archaeological Predictive Modelling
Changes in the Cultural Landscape and their Impacts on Heritage Management
Chinees in tien verdiepingen
Chinees in tien verdiepingen | 1
Chinees in tien verdiepingen | 2