
Figuring Rural Development
Figuring Rural Development    


LUP Dissertaties

Believing in the Net
Believing in the Net    
Better regulation in the European Union
Better regulation in the European Union    
Changing Choices    
Changing Choices    
Civil Service Reform in Post-Communist Countries    
Civil Service Reform in Post-Communist Countries    
De affaire De Lalande-Lestevenon    
De affaire De Lalande-Lestevenon    
De rechtspositie der Chinezen in Nederlands-Indië 1848-1942    
De rechtspositie der Chinezen in Nederlands-Indië 1848-1942    
De studentenpopulatie van de Leidse universiteit, 1575-1812
De studentenpopulatie van de Leidse universiteit, 1575-1812    
De Wende en Humboldts erfenis    
De Wende en Humboldts erfenis    
De Wsnp
De Wsnp: bedoelde en onbedoelde effecten op het minnelijk traject    
Developmental morphological diversity in Caecilian Amphibians: Systematic and Evolutionary Implications    
Developmental morphological diversity in Caecilian Amphibians: Systematic and Evolutionary Implications    
Figuring Rural Development
Figuring Rural Development    
Friends, Acquaintances, Pupils and Patrons    
Het Amsterdams Perikopenboek
Het Amsterdams Perikopenboek    
Het Nederlands hoger onderwijsrecht    
Hostages in the homeland, orphans in the diaspora
In Praise of Death    
In Praise of Death    
Induction and analysis of antigen-specific T cell responses in melanoma patients and animal models    
Induction and analysis of antigen-specific T cell responses in melonoma patients and animal models    
Literary intelligence
Literary intelligence
Machinic Deconstruction | Literature / Politics / Technics    
Machinic Deconstruction: Literature / Politics / Technics    
Macht, Media & Montesquieu    
Macht, Media & Montesquieu    
New Sounds, New Stories    
Paul Ehrenfest
Quantum Mechanics and The Big World    
Quantum Mechanics and The Big World    
Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization after Blood Transfusion    
Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization after Blood Transfusion    
Regulating Land and Pollution in China    
Regulating Land and Pollution in China    
Software Agents, Surveillance, and the Right to Privacy
Software Agents, Surveillance, and the Right to Privacy    
The Leiden Developmental Care Project    
The Leiden Developmental Care Project    
The ways of the water    
The Ways of the Water    
Transforming for Europe
Transforming for Europe    
Tussen hof en keizerskroon
Tussen hof en keizerskroon    
Unheimlich moederland    
Unheimlich moederland