(How) Opera Works, (Hoe) opera werkt
Artistic experimentation in music
Artistic Research in Music: Discipline and Resistance
Bewondering en verwondering
Concise cadence compendium
Experience Music Experiment
Experimental Encounters in Music and Beyond
Futures of the Contemporary
In het voetspoor van Franz Liszt
Johann Sebastian Bach's art of fugue
Kernthema's in het muziekonderzoek
Little Black Songbook The Beatles
Little Black Songbook The Who
Machinic Assemblages of Desire
Mazeppa in de romantische kunst
Melodic Variation in Northern Low Countries Chant Manuscripts
Met Franz Liszt en Marie d'Agoult over de Alpen
Music of the Twentieth Century
Music, dance and the art of seduction
Oriental Jazz Improvisation: Microtonality and Harmony
Performance, Subjectivity, and Experimentation
Prisma encyclopedie der muziek | 1
Prisma encyclopedie der muziek | II
Recevez ce mien petit labeur
Recognizing music as an art form
Sensorial Aesthetics in Music Practices
The artistic turn: a manifesto
The field of musical improvisation
The practice of practising
The practice of the practising
Traditionele Turkse kunstmuziek
Vier cantates van Johann Sebastian Bach toegelicht