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640 Kunst algemeen
Michaël Borremans
Jaap: “Tiny is my my father’s father, Toos is my mother’s mother. The two people who have had the longest influence on my parents’ formation and therefore also on mine. Shared memories, stories and values strengthen family bonds and give me direction in life. From the simple gestures to the profound life lessons, every interaction with my (grand-)parents contributes to the person I am today. The negative memories and traits from a past are slowly purged as you seek to resolve your own sharp edges and not pass them on to later generations. I want to cherish this legacy and life lessons and pass on love and wisdom to future generations so that the cycle of connection and warmth continues.With this work, I am exploring who my grandmother was, but also who my grandfather was. As I gain insight into who they were, I may be better able to see who I myself am or want to be. Toos was the hub of the family. Tiny sat there more and heard everything.”