Special attention has been paid to the requirements of the College Entrance Board. The book contains more material than is required for some first courses in Trigonometry, but the matter has been so arranged that the teacher can make such omissions as will suit his particular needs. The trigonometric functions are defined as ratios; first for acute angles in right triangles, and then these definitions are extended to angles in general by means of coordinates. The student is first taught to use the natural functions of acute angles in the solution of simple problems involving right triangles. Attention is called to the methods shown in "23-29 for the reduction" of functions of angles outside of the first quadrant. In general, the first examples given under each topic are worked out, making use of the natural functions. A large number of carefully graded exercises are given, and the processes involved are summarized into working rules wherever practicable. Illustrative examples are worked out in detail under each topic. Logarithms are introduced as a separate topic, and attention is called to the fact that they serve to minimize the labor of computation.