dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen
Oliver Milman
NUR Codes (sub)
780 Economie en bedrijf algemeen
Compendium van de accountantscontrole | 1 en 3A
Studenteneditie VRA combi | 1 en 1A
Bedrijfseconomie voor het besturen van organisaties
Een gezonde krimp
Het verboden boek
SCIENCE / Environmental Science
Earthshot - Backcard met 6 ex.
Assorted City: Equity, Justice, and Politics in Urban Services Delivery
Urban Villager: Life in an Indian Satellite Town
Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific: How Can Countries Adapt?
The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology
'Bottom-up' Approaches in Governance and Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh
Environmental Governance in India
Assorted City: Equity, Justice, and Politics in Urban Services Delivery
Energy Efficiency and Climate Change: Conserving Power for a Sustainable Future
ICRP Publication 148: Radiation Weighting for Reference Animals and Plants
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Biological Diversity
The European Families of the Diptera
Earthshot - Backcard met 6 ex.
Becoming Earth
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Biology
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Zoology / Entomology
The European Families of the Diptera
Compactgids Insecten
ANWB Basis natuurgids - Insecten