dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Research on Urban Heritage Values based on the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach



A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment

Activerende gevels    
Adaptive Reuse of Urban Heritage in Contested Urban Context    
Addis Ababa’s sefer, iddir, and gebbi
Advancing Transparency    
Affordable Condominium Housing    
African New Towns    
Anchoring the design process    
Architectural Record 1942-1967    
Architecture and the Time of Space    
At the ­crossroads of Architecture and Landscape
Better public housing management in Ghana
Beyond good ­intentions    
Border Formation    
Business Innovation Towards a Circular Economy    
Challenges of -­prefabricated housing in China    
Changing Values on Water in Delta Cities
Chinese Notions of Public Space    
Cities for or against citizens?
Cities in interaction    
Climate Change and the Resilience of Collective ­Memories    
Commuting behaviour and subjective wellbeing
Complex Adaptive Systems & Urban Morphogenesis
Computational Design of Indoor Arenas (CDIA)    
Corporate Real Estate alignment    
Countercurrent Heat Exchange Building Envelope Using Ceramic Components    
Daily Mobility in Metropolitan Areas    
Dealing with Heritage    
Design and development of a system for vario-scale maps    
Design and Fabrication of Shell Structures    
Design as ­Exploration    
Design with forms as well as patterns    
Developing circular building components    
Developing places for human capabilities    
Diffusion and Risks of House Prices in the Netherlands    
Disclosing Interstices    
Energetische ­upgrading van ­Nederlandse Wederopbouw flats    
Energietransitie: omarm de complexiteit    
Energy in Dwellings
Energy performance progress of the Dutch non-profit housing stock: a longitudinal assessment    
Energy-­Efficient Office ­renovation    
Entrepreneurial citizenship in urban regeneration    
Everyday Heritage    
Form Follows Force    
From the Village to the Neighbourhood    
Green Climate Control    
Green Health    
Harde stad, zachte stad    
Heritage Beyond Singular Narratives
Het handschrift van L.P. Roodbaard    
Home ­Occupant Archetypes    
Housing ­justice as expansion of people’s ­capabilities for housing
Housing Refurbishment for Energy Efficiency and Comfort    
How Heritage Learns    
Hybrid ­Intelligence in ­Architectural Robotic ­Materialization (HI-ARM)    
Immediate Systems in Architecture    
Improving the performance of hospitals    
In Search of Al Wehdat Camp    
In the Name of Conservation    
In-Situ ­Determination of Buildings’ ­Thermo-Physical Characteristics    
Individually ­controlled noise reducing ­devices to improve IEQ in classrooms of primary schools    
Indoor semantic modelling for routing    
Integrated Urban River Corridors    
Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed in Gelderland – KaDEr-stellingen
Land in Limbo    
Landscape Strategies in Architecture    
Landscapes of Trade    
Learning from co-housing initiatives    
Living with diversity in Jane Finch    
Local Activism in Urban Neighborhood ­Governance    
Making temporary homes    
Managing Social Condominiums
Mapping Landscape Spaces    
Mass Housing Neighbourhoods and Urban Commons    
Menging maakt verschil
Navigating a Petroleumscape    
nD-PointCloud Data Management    
Occupant behavior and energy consumption in dwellings    
Open for business    
Optimising the use of National CORS data in the context of Thailand    
Paper in architecture    
Pearl ­River ­Delta: Scales, Times, ­Domains    
Physiomimetic Façade Design    
Planning with self‑organised initiatives: from fragmentation to resilience    
Privatisation of the Production of Public Space
Public Rental Housing ­Governance in Urban ­China    
Quality failures in ­Energy saving renovation ­projects in Northern China    
Re-use of Building Products in the Netherlands    
Regional Design    
Research on Urban Heritage Values based on the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach
Research on Urban Heritage Values based on the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach    
Residents’ Perceptions of Impending Forced Relocation in Urban China
Rhine Cities - Urban Flood Integration (UFI)
Ruimtelijke transformaties van de steden in het Randstadgebied (12de-20ste eeuw)    
Rules, Power and Trust    
Rural futures for young adults    
Samenspel in ­stedelijke vernieuwing    
Securing Healthy ­Circular ­Material Flows In The Built Environment    
Seditious Spaces    
Sensing the Cultural Significance with AI for Social Inclusion    
Smart Campus Tools    
Smart Energy Dissipation
Socio-spatial change in Lithuania    
Space Design for Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Summer
Space Layout and Energy ­Performance    
Spatial approaches to a circular economy    
Spatial Planning and Design for Resilience    
Spatial Planning for Urban Resilience in the Face of the Flood Risk    
Spatial Quality as a decisive criterion in flood risk strategies    
Stedebouwkundig(e) ­ontwerpen in woorden
Sustainable High-rises    
Synergetic Urban Landscape Planning in Rotterdam
Synergetically integrated vertical farms
Tensions and opportunities at Shanghai’s waterfronts    
The Art of Bridge Design    
The balancing act    
The Circular Kitchen    
The diverse pathways of social inequality transmission in the neighbourhood    
The Integration of LADM and IndoorGML to Support the Indoor Navigation Based on the User Access Rights
The Intelligent Built-Environment as Cyber-Physical System    
The Potential of Small, Low-Carbon, Zero-Energy Housing    
The Privatisation of a National Project    
The Spatial Dimension of Household Energy Consumption    
Thermal comfort and energy related occupancy behavior in Dutch residential dwellings | 2018    
Time in the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright    
Toekomstbestendig renoveren    
Towards ­Self-­Sufficient High-Rises    
Towards a ­future sustainable housing stock    
Towards a Better-Functioning Private Rented Sector in ­Metropolitan China    
Towards a circular building industry through digitalisation    
Towards a Method of Participatory Planning in an Emerging Metropolitan Delta in the Context of Climate Change    
Towards a new ­-Existenzminimum    
Towards a new policy direction for an improved housing delivery system in Nigerian cities
Towards A Poetics of Dwelling    
Towards an ­Architecture of ­Self-­reliance    
Towards Energy-­Efficient Residential Buildings In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia    
Towards the Integration of Additive Manufacturing for Freeform Steel and Glass Facade Construction    
Trajectories of neighborhood change | 2018    
Transformation in Composition
Understanding and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Adaptive Reuse of Built Heritage
Understanding comfort and health of outpatient workers in hospitals, a mixed-methods study    
Unveiling the third dimension of glass    
Urban ­informality shaped by labor    
Urban ­Renewal ­Decision-Making in China: Stakeholders, Process, and System ­Improvement    
Urban and regional heat island adaptation measures in the Netherlands    
Urban form influence on microclimate and building cooling demand    
Visibility, ­democratic public space and socially inclusive cities    
Work floor experiences of supply chain partnering in the Dutch housing sector    
Young People’s Housing Opportunity in Post-reform China


Huang Huang

Research on Urban Heritage Values based on the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach
Research on Urban Heritage Values based on the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Approach    

NUR Codes (sub)

950 Technische wetenschappen algemeen

Lokaal energieneutraal    
Kengetallen bouwprojecten elektrotechnische installaties | 2015
Taxatieboekje gebouwschade | 2015
(Her)bouwkosten woningen | 2015    
(Her)bouwkosten bedrijfspanden    
Taxatieboekje (her)bouwkosten agrarische gebouwen | 2015    
Serie taxatieboekjes | 2015
Elektronica voor Dummie    
Wetgeving bouw en omgeving | Editie 2013    
Vastgoedmarkt 40 jaar    
(Over)spannend staal | 5 Staalprofielen    
Rekenvoorbeelden | 4 (Over)spannend staal    
Basis constructieleer    
Construeren A | 2 (Over)spannend staal    
Weervast staal    
Kracht + vorm    
Leren van instortingen    
Verdiepingbouw met staal
Het ontwerpen van woningen    
Veiligheid en milieu in laboratoria
Electronic power control 2. Electronic motor control
Electronic power control | i Power electronics    
De toegevoegde waarde van architectuur    
Kengetallen schoonmaakwerk instellingen | 2015
Kengetallen schoonmaakwerk bedrijfspanden | 2015
FM kosten september | 2014
Calculatieboekje schoonmaakwerk | 2015
FM Kostenkengetallen | 2015
De kleur van de stad    
Basisboek duurzame ontwikkeling    
Between rail and sleeper
Het Architectonisch Geheugen The Architectural Memory    
Toegepaste bouwfysica en instalaties    
De kracht van het evenwicht    
Steam energy or Atomic energy    
Stoom of atoom?    
Delfts goud    
Samenhang in vervoer- en verkeerssystemen    
Het voorgekookt bestaan    
Kostenkengetallen bouwprojecten werktuigbouwkundige installaties 2016
Kostenkengetallen bouwprojecten elektrotechnische installaties 2016
Kostenkengetallen bouwprojecten bouwkundig werk 2016
Taxatieboekje (Her)bouwkosten woningen 2016
Haal nu je rijbewijs | B
Verbeelding bouwbesluit | 2012    
Elektrische installaties in gebouwen    



Over vaders en zonen    
Risico-identificatie bij locatieontwikkeling    
De Sint-Eusebiuskerk te Arnhem    
De Pieterskerk in Leiden    
Religious architecture    
De haven van Rotterdam    
The Port of Rotterdam    
The Flexible City    
De nieuwe generatie stadskinderen    
De Deltawerken    
De antistad    
Rotterdam groene stad    
Adolf Loos Architectuur en al het andere    
Rapids 2.0    
Le Corbusier
30:30 Landscape Architecture
Atelier MA+P 30    
Kerkkappen in Nederland 1800-1970    
Behoud van binnen    
Smart about cities    
Building in the stubborn city Bouwen aan een weerbarstige stad    
Slim nieuwbouwen    
Slimme steden    
Value capturing    
De 100 mooiste kerken van Noord-Brabant    
Voorbij de dijken    
Huizen in Delft in de 16de en 17de eeuw    
Cees Dam. On architectuur    
Delft lectures on architectural design | 2015/2016
Waterwerken in Nederland    
Life is Ibiza    
Architecture Inside + Out
The architecture Museum effect/ de effecten van architectuurmusea    
Architectuur — Werk in uitvoering    
Manufacturing Architecture
Frank Lloyd Wright Paper Models
De Portugese synagoge in Amsterdam    
Waterworks in the Netherlands    
Challenging Glass 6 | Proceedings of the 6th Challenging Glass Conference
Cees Dam over architectuur    
Clive Wilkinson
Who's afraid of pink, orange & green?    
Think New Modern
Who's afraid of pink, orange & green?    
A white facade, 5 floors and an open door    
Goodbye Architecture    
Oase 100    


TU Delft

Design and development of a system for vario-scale maps    
Form Follows Force    
The legal position and societal effects of security breach notification laws    
Architectuur — Werk in uitvoering    
Understanding the decision-­making process in homeowner energy retrofits    
Urban Scenes of a Port City    
Advancing Transparency    
Towards ­Self-­Sufficient High-Rises    
Cyber-physical Architecture #5    
SPOOL | Cyber-physical Architecture | 4    
The Making of the Modern Iranian Capital    
nD-PointCloud Data Management    
Het handschrift van L.P. Roodbaard    
Discomfort glare from daylight in classrooms    
Regionale gebiedsontwikkeling    
Chinese Notions of Public Space    
Fritz Schumacher & Heinrich Tessenow    
Towards a ­future sustainable housing stock    
Architectural Photovoltaic ­Application    
Integrating ­High‑speed ­Railway Stations and Urban Areas in China    
Beyond good ­intentions    
Arcitecture and the Built Environment    
Architecture and the Built Environment    
Towards A Poetics of Dwelling
At the ­crossroads of Architecture and Landscape
Housing ­justice as expansion of people’s ­capabilities for housing
Towards A Poetics of Dwelling    
Design as ­Exploration    
Climate Change and the Resilience of Collective ­Memories    
In the Name of Conservation    
Urban form influence on microclimate and building cooling demand    
Developing circular building components    
Towards a Better-Functioning Private Rented Sector in ­Metropolitan China    
Border Formation    
Commuting behaviour and subjective wellbeing
The diverse pathways of social inequality transmission in the neighbourhood    
Local Activism in Urban Neighborhood ­Governance    
Time in the Work of Frank Lloyd Wright    
Mass Housing Neighbourhoods and Urban Commons    
Addis Ababa’s sefer, iddir, and gebbi
Entrepreneurial citizenship in urban regeneration    
Sensing the Cultural Significance with AI for Social Inclusion    
Tensions and opportunities at Shanghai’s waterfronts    
Heritage Beyond Singular Narratives
Everyday Heritage    


TU Delft Open