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E-book (epub)
Dimitri Janszoons
NUR Codes (sub)
720 Esoterie algemeen
Inleiding tot de parapsychologie
Dreams have fascinated humanity for centuries, with cultures across the globe attributing different meanings to them. From ancient civilizations to modern psychology, dreams have been regarded as portals to our inner selves. They offer glimpses into our fears, desires, and unresolved issues. One theory suggests that dreams serve as a means of wish fulfillment. They provide an outlet for our subconscious desires, allowing us to experience what may be unattainable in reality. Through dreams, we can explore our deepest aspirations and confront our suppressed emotions. Another perspective proposes that dreams serve as a form of problem-solving. When we sleep, our minds are freed from the constraints of conscious thought, enabling us to explore creative solutions to our waking concerns. Dreams may offer insights, suggestions, or alternative perspectives that can assist us in overcoming challenges. Some believe that dreams act as a form of communication from a higher power, the universe, or our own spiritual selves. They may offer guidance, warnings, or revelations about our path in life.