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Longitudinal Network Models



Duxbury, Scott

Longitudinal Network Models

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Using smartphones in survey research: a multifunctional tool    
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Border Deaths    
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Margriet weet zich geen raad met onderzoek.
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21 geheimen van een strategische dialoog    
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Designing Qualitative Research - International Student Edition
Doing Computational Social Science
Doing Computational Social Science
The How To of Qualitative Research
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Test Development and Validation
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Reflexivity: The Essential Guide
30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher
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Quantifying the Qualitative: Information Theory for Comparative Case Analysis
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Designing Experiments for the Social Sciences: How to Plan, Create, and Execute Research Using Experiments
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Analyzing Social Networks
Social Scientific Research
The Data Gaze
Research Design & Method Selection
Social Research Methods
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
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Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo
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An Adventure in Statistics
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Association Models
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Discovering Statistics Using R
An Introduction to Secondary Data Analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics
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Heteroskedasticity in Regression: Detection and Correction
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Sage Publications Ltd

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