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The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research




Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials
Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry
The Landscape of Qualitative Research
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research

NUR Codes (sub)

740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen

Jeugdcriminaliteit in groepsverband ontrafeld    
Grondslagen SPH    
Kinderen die haten    
De gezonde samenleving    
Dromen, sprookjes, mythen    
Gij zult zijn als goden    
De ouderdom    
De tweede sekse    
Geloven binnen en buiten verband    
Disentangling an invisible trade    
Governance of innovation project management
Human dignity    
Ethiek en economie    
Erven en Schenken
Dokter is ziek    
De cultuur van angst    
Van Ver    
Het Communistisch Manifest    
Begeleiden van groepen    
Anders kijken    
Verbinding verbroken    
Regine regulations in Europe    
Leren uit de ontmoeting    
Kleine verhalen    
Het wilde denken
Ambtenaar op expeditie !    
De versplinterde samenleving    
Politiek cynisme    
Praktijkgerichte Sociale Vaardigheden    
Moord en doodslag
Depressie is geen ziekte    
Dynamism in Islamic Activism    
Nut en noodzaak van de mondiale voetafdruk
Basisprincipes praktijkonderzoek    
Vernederd, verkracht, verborgen
Seizoenen van de tijdgeest    
De gave van ADHD    
No time    
De shockdoctrine    
Hoe ongelijk is Nederland?
Welvaart in Nederland | 2014    
Adam en Eva in China    
Veroordeeld tot verbondenheid    
Leven met gemis    
Moeders van Afrika    
Melkert misleidde Beatrix    



Don't give up    
Hoe maak ik het in China?    
Applied Thematic Analysis
The SAGE Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine
Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation or Thesis Faster: A Proven Map to Success
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
An Introduction to Research, Analysis, and Writing: Practical Skills for Social Science Students
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research
Surveys In Social Research


Doing Research    
Als het werk stopt    
De kern van participatief actie-onderzoek    
De Wietindustrie    
De grote levensvragen    
Alle kinderen van Louis    
Methoden en Technieken van Onderzoek in de Criminologie    
Conflicts and International Crimes    
Handboek Participatief Actieonderzoek    
Handboek Internetresearch & datajournalistiek
Onderzoekend vermogen in de praktijk    
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Research Design in Social Research
Multiple Regression
Survey Research Methods
Analyzing Social Networks
Science Poster Design Guide    
Multivariate analyse    
Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods
Managing and Sharing Research Data
Maar dat mag je niet zeggen    
The Craft of Qualitative Longitudinal Research
Critical Ethnography
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling
Action Research
Realistic Evaluation
Interpreting Interviews
Doing Narrative Research
Applied Statistics Using Stata
A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research
Narratives in Social Science Research
Heuristic Research
Qualitative Research and Theory Development
Doing Your Qualitative Psychology Project
Action Research in Education
Introduction to Research Methods in Education
The Practice of Survey Research
Developing Effective Research Proposals
How to Do Your Research Project
Economic Evaluation in Education
Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology
Foundations of Mixed Methods Research
Understanding and Evaluating Research
An Introduction to Data Science
Introducing Research in Early Childhood
A Guide to Practitioner Research in Education
Case Study Research
Comparative-Historical Methods
Transforming Qualitative Information


SAGE Publications Inc

Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts
Decoding the Ethics Code
Multiple Regression
The Sociology of Organizations
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World
Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom
International Organizations in World Politics
Comm in Everyday Life 4e 4E
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Teaching Digital Natives
Little Bites of Big Data for Public Policy
Fixed Effects Regression Models
Child and Adolescent Development
Doing Research with Children and Young People
Phenomenological Research Methods
Human Resource Information Systems - International Student Edition
Creative Approaches to Problem Solving
Criminal & Behavioral Profiling
The Practice of Survey Research
Focus Groups
Research Methods in Practice
Working in Teams
Psychology of Adjustment
The Presentation of Self in Contemporary Social Life
Social Network Analysis
Leading Organizations
Counseling Children and Adolescents
Empirical Research and Writing
Substance Use Disorders and Addictions
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics
"These Kids Are Out of Control"
Economic Evaluation in Education
What If Everybody Understood Child Development?
Hard Conversations Unpacked
The Differentiated Flipped Classroom
Chemical Dependency Counseling
The Rhetorical Power of Popular Culture
Introductory Statistics Using SPSS
Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers
Don't Suspend Me!
Understanding and Evaluating Research
Tests & Measurement for People Who (Think They) Hate Tests & Measurement
The Ramped-Up Read Aloud
Meyer, J: Commitment in the Workplace
Transforming Qualitative Information
