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Inspirational Writing for Academic Publication




Inspirational Writing for Academic Publication
Inspirational Writing for Academic Publication
Reflective Practice

NUR Codes (sub)

620 Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde algemeen

Botanisch woordenboek    
Check je brief    
Handboek Redactie
Handboek zakelijk Engels
Check je tekst    
Check je sociale media    
De Mulisch Mythe    
Van Dale Middelgroot woordenboek Spaans-Nederlands    
Woordenboek nieuwgrieks-nederlands    
Lezen en leesgedrag van adolescenten en jongvolwassenen
Standaard woordenboek Latijn-Nederlands
Prisma woordenboek Nederlands-Nieuwgrieks    
Kramers Het juiste woord    
Ik ben God de Vader niet    
Op eenzame hoogte    
Patroon en argument    
Nederlandse letterkunde voor Dummies    
Dyslectisch... en dan?    
Praktische cursus Nederlands voor juristen    
Hoe schrijf je dat?    
Woordenboek Nederlands-Hebreeuws    
Woordenboek Hebreeuws-Nederlands    
Wereld in woorden    
Stemmen op schrift    
Schrijven voor het web en sociale media    
Prisma rijmwoordenboek    
Een bestseller schrijven voor Dummies    
Op de hielen
Heimwee naar Heerlen    
Camera Obscura    
Prisma woordenboek Nederlands-Italiaans    
Prisma Voorzetsels
Langs gevelstenen, sloppen en paleizen    
Dialectatlas van het Nederlands    
Onder de blauwe oneindigheid    
Duits voor zelfstudie    
Zo doen wij dat nu eenmaal    
Song- en liedteksten schrijven    
Nederlands-Tsjechisch woordenboek
Tsjechisch Nederlands Woordenboek    
Gekweekte regels    
De gong en de rookberg    
Nederlands voor taalhelden 5 ex.
Beknopte grammatica van het Nederlands    
Dwaalspoor dyslexie    
Van Dale Pocketwoordenboek Nederlands-Spaans    
Van Dale klein woordenboek van de Nederlandse taal    
Meer zuurs dan zoets    
Heb je nou je zin!    


EDUCATION / Research

Leraar in de praktijk    
Growing the fitness sector through innovation    
Coaching van trainingsgedrag in fitness en sport    
Personal Training in Europe    
Advising on research methods: A consultant's companion | part I: Preliminaries    
Hoe vind ik het?    
Volgens Barton    
Modellen voor Marketing Insights
Proeven van succes    
Van kop tot teen met Charlotte Van den Broeck en Jeroen Dera    
In 10 stappen de beste voorbereiding voor je onderzoek    
Horizon 2030    
Onderwijskunde als ontwerpwetenschap | Deel 2    
Kwalitatief Onderzoeken    
Introduction to Intersectional Qualitative Research
Wat echt werkt    
An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research    
The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods
Work-Based Research in the Early Years
Research in Early Childhood
Achieving Success with your Leadership Project
Doing Research with Children: A Practical Guide
Research in Early Childhood
Success with your Education Research Project
The Literature Review
Building to Impact
Using Research to Lead School Improvement
Evaluating Research Articles From Start to Finish
Onderwijs dat kansrijk maakt.
Action Research in Education
Studying and Researching with Social Media
The SAGE Handbook of Educational Action Research
Inspirational Writing for Academic Publication
Inspirational Writing for Academic Publication
Study Skills for Chinese Students
Employability: Making the Most of Your Career Development
30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher
Basic and Advanced Focus Groups
Conversations About Group Concept Mapping: Applications, Examples, and Enhancements
Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis Using Dedoose
Early Childhood Educational Research
Doing Educational Research
100 Activities for Teaching Study Skills
Stand Up and Be Heard
Interpreting Qualitative Data
The Trainee Teacher's Guide to Academic Assignments
E-learning Theory and Practice
Research Methods in Education


Doing Research    
Als het werk stopt    
De kern van participatief actie-onderzoek    
De Wietindustrie    
De grote levensvragen    
Alle kinderen van Louis    
Methoden en Technieken van Onderzoek in de Criminologie    
Conflicts and International Crimes    
Handboek Participatief Actieonderzoek    
Handboek Internetresearch & datajournalistiek
Onderzoekend vermogen in de praktijk    
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Research Design in Social Research
Multiple Regression
Survey Research Methods
Analyzing Social Networks
Science Poster Design Guide    
Multivariate analyse    
Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods
Managing and Sharing Research Data
Maar dat mag je niet zeggen    
The Craft of Qualitative Longitudinal Research
Critical Ethnography
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling
Action Research
Realistic Evaluation
Interpreting Interviews
Doing Narrative Research
Applied Statistics Using Stata
A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research
Narratives in Social Science Research
Heuristic Research
Qualitative Research and Theory Development
Doing Your Qualitative Psychology Project
Action Research in Education
Introduction to Research Methods in Education
The Practice of Survey Research
Developing Effective Research Proposals
How to Do Your Research Project
Economic Evaluation in Education
Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology
Foundations of Mixed Methods Research
Understanding and Evaluating Research
An Introduction to Data Science
Introducing Research in Early Childhood
A Guide to Practitioner Research in Education
Case Study Research
Comparative-Historical Methods
Transforming Qualitative Information


Sage Publications Ltd

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioural Sciences
Cultural Studies
Managing and Organizations
The Established and the Outsiders
Learning Theories Simplified
Doing Digital Methods
Participatory Research
Qualitative Organizational Research
Corporate Governance
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Developing Gestalt Counselling
The Learning Mentor's Resource Book
Research Methods in Psychology
Qualitative Research and Theory Development
Six Key Approaches to Counselling and Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy
Tales from the Therapy Room
Health Promotion Settings
CBT with Children, Young People and Families
Doing Your Qualitative Psychology Project
Doing a Research Project in Nursing and Midwifery
Person-Centred Therapy with Children and Young People
Affect and Emotion
Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course
Normal Midwifery Practice
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Existential Therapies
Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists
Gestalt Counselling in a Nutshell
Making the Most of Counselling & Psychotherapy Placements
A Practical Guide to Using Panel Data
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management
Developing Emotional Literacy with Teenagers
Reflective Practice and Professional Development
Key Concepts in Substance Misuse
The Science of Evaluation
Sociology for Health Professionals
Learning and Teaching Mathematics 0-8
Sports Journalism
Human Resource Development
An Introduction to the Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Reflection in CBT
Confidentiality & Record Keeping in Counselling & Psychotherapy
Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Primary Mathematics Audit and Test
Primary Science Audit and Test
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Introduction to Education Studies
Consumer Behaviour
