dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Surfing the Cryptocurrency Wave
Agricultural Factor Markets and India s Small Farmers
Blisters on their Feet: Tales of Internally Displaced Persons in India's North East
Consciousness Quest: Where East Meets West
Gandhian Thought and Communication: Rethinking the Mahatma in the Media Age
Gandhian Thought and Communication: Rethinking the Mahatma in the Media Age
Hacks for Life and Career: A Millennial's Guide to Making it Big
How Business Storytelling Works
Managerial Economics
Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia: Essential Concepts and Programs for Improvement
Real Estate Finance in India
Surfing the Cryptocurrency Wave
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
NUR Codes (sub)
780 Economie en bedrijf algemeen
Compendium van de accountantscontrole | 1 en 3A
Studenteneditie VRA combi | 1 en 1A
Bedrijfseconomie voor het besturen van organisaties
Een gezonde krimp
Het verboden boek
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Accounting / Financial
Why A Students Work for C Students and Why B Students Work for the Government
Financieel management voor Dummies, 7e editie
The Synergy of Microfinance: Fighting Poverty by Moving beyond Credit
Surfing the Cryptocurrency Wave
Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring
Accounting and Finance for Non-finance Managers