dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Characterizing Old Greek Deuteronomy as an Ancient Translation



Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism

A Prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15, 18): The Origin, History, and Influence of the Mosaic Prophetic Succession    
Ancient Jewish Diaspora    
Apocalyptic Thinking in Early Judaism    
Characterizing Old Greek Deuteronomy as an Ancient Translation
Crossing Boundaries in Early Judaism and Christianity    
Delicious Prose: Reading the Tale of Tobit with Food and Drink    
Jewish Cultural Encounters in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern World    
Private Associations and Jewish Communities in the Hellenistic and Roman Cities    
Protestant Bible Scholarship: Antisemitism, Philosemitism and Anti-Judaism
Rabbinic Body Language    
Revelations of Ideology: Apocalyptic Class Politics in Early Roman Palestine    
Scribal Culture in Ben Sira
Septuagint, Targum and Beyond    
Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls
Strategies of Persuasion in Herodotus’ Histories and Genesis–Kings    
Style and Context of Old Greek Job    
Talmudic Transgressions    
The Authority of Law in the Hebrew Bible and Early Judaism
The Dangerous Duty of Rebuke: Leviticus 19:17 in Early Jewish and Christian Interpretation    
The Danielic Discourse on Empire in Second Temple Literature    
The Jerusalem Temple in Diaspora Jewish Practice and Though during the Second Temple Period    
The Origins of Midrash: From Teaching to Text    
The Origins of the Canon of the Hebrew Bible    
The Story of Tobit    
Uncovering Jewish Creativity in Book III of the Sibylline Oracles    
Waters of the Exodus    


Jean Maurais

Characterizing Old Greek Deuteronomy as an Ancient Translation

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