dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen
The scope of the Wet op de ondernemingsraden (WOR,Works Council Act) stretches to all enterprises established on Dutch soil, irrespective of the nationality of the entrepreneur or the group of enterprises it is part of. Around this Act an impressive collection of jurisprudence and specialist literature has been built up in the course of many years, which is of immense value to the chosen members of the Works Council and their regular partner in consultation, the director. It is also frequently used by members of staff, especially those of the Personnel and Organisation department. Unfortunately, this is impossible for those who have no command of the Dutch language. Not only do they have to deal with cultural differences, they are especially hindered in acquiring basic knowledge of the interpretation of the regulations of the WOR as apply to their own enterprise.
The text of the draft bill for the Employee Participation Act [Wet medezeggenschap werknemers] has been added as a separate appendix.
This publication is aimed at English-speaking members of Works Councils, directors and other people that are professionally involved in employee participation. This book consists of the current text of theWOR, accompanied by explanatory notes to every article. The explanatory notes do not try to give a full overview of the current relevant jurisprudence, but they discuss the basics of dealing with this Act.