Tate Carmichael
NUR Codes (sub)
320 Literaire non-fictie algemeen
Chasing Black Gold
Brieven van H. N. Werkman 1940-1945
Het Frankrijk van de Tour & de Tour van Utrecht
Collega's van God
Never given her rightful due in the 00s at the peak of the reign of white girl socialites like Paris Hilton, Tate Carmichael demands the spotlight be redirected back to her as she rehashes her tale. A tale of how the socialite world became riddled with riffraff at the (allegedly) unwitting hands of Lindsay Lohan, given "second" (a.k.a. millionth) chance after "second" chance to get her life together, the type of privilege that was once only reserved for socialites as opposed to C-rate actresses. This seemingly small butterfly effect, Tate maintains, is the cause of all that is wrong post-00s. In her damning account, no celebrity is spared. Carmichael scorches the earth with what's left of her wealth (because, it's true, money can buy anything, including tailored natural disasters). It's her turn, after all, to be a star. Since it seems like literally everyone else is.