S.G. Collins
NUR Codes (sub)
300 Literaire fictie algemeen
Pakket De helden van David
Zomer pakket A | Dwarsligger 2 en 1
Zomer pakket B | Dwarsligger 2 en 1
Zomer pakket C | Dwarsligger 2 en 1
Here are thirteen stories S G Collins wrote between 1988 and 2011. They take place in Amsterdam, Atlantic City, Boston, Buffalo, Los Angeles, Montreux, Niagara Falls, Paris, Peenemünde, Providence, Toscana, and various surburbias of the heart. Two of them are set in the past, and one a few decades in the future, but most of them happen roughly now-ish, depending on your size of now. S G Collins was born in 1958 in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and moved to Amsterdam in 2003. He makes little movies, music, paintings, essays and fiction. See also