Igor Byttebier
Ramon Vullings
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Creativity in Business is the basic guide for idea generation and selection. Focussed specifically on business and education.
The book outlines the 4 step creative process:
- Ask the right questions
- Generate a lot of ideas
- Select the right ones
- Start implementing
Turn idea-killers into idea-boosters!
The authors -Ramon Vullings & Igor Byttebier- aim to make creativity happen in your organisation, business or educational institution.
Creativity in Business is the revised version of Creativity Today -the management book on applied creativity- which has already inspired tens of thousands of managers, teachers, and students around the world. Now this book is made available again in a revised version, with a new title, subtitle, partial content updates and cover design, all intended to position this creativity classic and to emphasize its attractiveness as a basic guide for businesses and organizations that wish to become more creative.