dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

A New Home for Kai-Mook



Van Genechten, Guido

A Great Gift
A New Home for Kai-Mook
A New Home for Kai-Mook
Bam Boom!
Because You Are My Friend
Big and Small
Circus 123
Crinkle Animals Garden
Daddies and Their Babies
Guess What?
Guess Where?
Guess Who?
Guido's Great Coloring and Drawing Book
Happy Angry Sad
How Many Baby Animals?
I Can Be a Real Boy
I'm Lucky I Found You
I've Got to Go
Igor Spot Champion
In, out, and all around
Knight Ricky
Little Kangaroo
Little Snowman Stan
Little Snowman Stan, Can't We Share?
Little White Fish
Little White Fish and His Daddy
Little White Fish Has a Party
Little White Fish Has Many Friends
Little White Fish Hears Water Music
Little White Fish Is So Happy
Look at That !
Max and the Balloon
Max and the Moon
Max Exercises
Mommies and Their Babies
Moon Is Sad
My Daddy
No Ghost Under My Bed
Odd One Out
On a Journey
Peek-a-Poo What's in Your Diaper?
Piggy Goes to the Beach
Ricky and Annie
Ricky and the Squirrel
Ricky Is Brave
Ricky's Birthday
Ricky's Christmas Tree
Super Ladybug to the Rescue!
The Big Baby Book
The Big Eating Book
The Big Sleep Book
The Big Woods Orchestra
The Cuddle Book
The Night Tiger
The Very First Kiss
Tito the Magician
Well Done, Little White Fish

NUR Codes (sub)

270 Kinderboeken diversen

Hoort U mij?    
Een haan gaat op wereldreis    
Stap maar op mijn bezemsteel    
Dieren om ons heen    
Dank je wel, lekkere appel!    
Dokter de Soto    
Het verhaal van Babar het olifantje    
Borre en de nachtzwarte kat    
O, wat mooi is Panama!    
Hopeloos verliefd    
Dokter Me Di Cin    
Jij en ik
Muis op de kermis    
Babsisbibliotheek Prentenboeken (12 titels)
Piet is ziek    
Koning Winter valt in het water    
Ver weg, dichtbij    
Alice in Wonderland    
De Gruffalo    
Anna en haar lieve familie    
Vis wil ook mee    
Gebaren met Lotte & Max | Boerderijdieren    
De keuken van Barbamama ; De picknick van de Barbapappa's ; Barbapapa en de baby    
Welterusten, Dikkie Dik!    
Waar is de rode ridderhelm?    
Tomte Tummetot    
De Kabouterkinderen | Mini-Editie    
Hansje in 't Bessenland | Mini-Editie    
Kan ik er ook nog bij? | Kleine editie    
De verborgen schat van kapitein Sladrop    
Jip en Janneke    
Jip en Janneke | deel 2    
De gouden boekjes van Peter Pontiac
Backcard a 25 ex. Apenbillen en wiebeltanden
Margot krijgt onverwacht bezoek
Kinderen van de Ring    
Een rare dag    
Meisjes om te zoenen    
Plotseling diep in het woud    
Muis in de file    


Clavis Publishing

Spring Joy
Me and My Day
Me and the Seasons
Take a Look, What I Eat
Mary Has a Baby
Good Night, Little Billy-Bob
Everyone Is Yawning
Want to Know: Going To the Theater
The Seasons
My Little Prince
My Little Princess
I Won
Ian's New Potty
Superhero School
The Box
Whose Hat Is That?
The Nutcracker
Little Billy-Bob Eats It All
The Wolf and His Shadow
Princess Lemonella
Dreaming of Mocha
A Chocolate In My Pocket
Sarah Goes to School
Tito the Magician
Everywhere and All Around
Cherry Red Kisses
A Big Book of Face Painting
Stars and Planets
The North Pole and the South Pole
Traveling by Airplane
Want to Know. Whales
The Weatherboy
What Does Kitten Hear?
Where Does Rabbit Live?
Who Will Dance With Little Mouse?
Winter Snow
You Make Me Happy
A Cake for Rabbit
A Great Gift
A New Home for Kai-Mook
A New Home for Kai-Mook
A Puppy for Kevin
A Tummy Full of Secrets
Again, Mommy!
All About Forests
All About the Seasons
All About the Weather