50 jaar Internationaal Cultuurbeleid
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Management
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Management Theory
Agri-input Marketing in India
An Introduction to the Business of Tourism
BA in Leadership and Management: Skills for the Workplace Student Yearbook, Final Year
Boekman cultuuroverdracht
Bondgenoten of Tegenpolen?
Branding in a Competitive Marketplace
Business and Community: The Story of Corporate Social Responsibility in India
Business and Community: The Story of Corporate Social Responsibility in India
Business Schools and their Contribution to Society
Business Transformation Strategies: The Strategic Leader as Innovation Manager
Campus to Corporate: Your Roadmap to Employability
Cases in Innovative Nonprofits: Organizations That Make a Difference
Change Management and Organizational Development
Checkmate Office Politics
Collaborative Research in Management: Inside Out
Collecting Qualitative Data Using Digital Methods
Competency Based Human Resource Management
Connected or Disconnected: The Art Of Operating In A Connected World
Corporate Coaching: The Essential Guide
Corporate Communication through Social Media
Creating cultural capital
Creative Aerobics: Fueling Imagination in the 21st Century
Cultural policies in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia
Cultural Policy in the Netherlands | Edition 2009
Cultuur als aanjager van gebiedsontwikkeling
Cultuur in het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk
Cultuurbeleid in Nederland
Cultuurbestel als kader of keurslijf?
Cultuursector en de pandemie
De financiering van kunst en cultuur
De kunst van projectmatig werken
De toekomst van kunst en cultuur
Discover the Alchemist Within
Een economie van de kunsten