
Dus, want, maar en tenzij    
Gothic revival worldwide    
Katholiek onderwijs in België    
Loci sacri    
Material Change    
N(i)et echt!    
Regionalism and modernity    
Religion, colonization and decolonization in Congo, 1885-1960.    
Religion, Colonization and Decolonization in Congo, 1885-1960. Religion, colonisation et décolonisation au Congo, 1885-1960    
Religious institutes and catholic culture    
The churches    
The Economics of providence / L'economie de la providence    
The economics of providence L'economie de la providence    
The maritain factor    
World views and worldly wisdom; Visions et expériences du monde    


Dynamics of religious reform

Charity and Social Welfare    
Piety and Modernity    
Political and legal perspectives    
The churches    
The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780-1920 | Political and Legal Perspectives    

Kadoc Artes

Living with History, 1914-1964    
Maurice Denis et la Belgique, 1890-1930    
Regionalism and modernity    

KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society

Catholicism and the Welfare State in Secular France    
Christian Homes    
Mission & Science    
Religion, colonization and decolonization in Congo, 1885-1960.    
Religion, Colonization and Decolonization in Congo, 1885-1960. Religion, colonisation et décolonisation au Congo, 1885-1960    
Religious institutes and catholic culture    
Sign or Symptom?    
The intimate    
The maritain factor    
The pious sex    
The struggle with Leviathan    
Universalism and Liberation    
World views and worldly wisdom; Visions et expériences du monde    


Global Gothic    
Gothic revival worldwide    
Kerken bouwen langs Maas en Rijn na 1945    
Making a new world    
Mass theatre in interwar Europe    
Material Change    
Missionary Spaces    

KADOC-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society

Cardinal Mercier in the First World War    
Catholicism and the Welfare State in Secular France    
Christian masculinity    
Cold War Mary    
From Hope to Hardship
Gender and christianity in modern Europe
Humble Women, Powerful Nuns    
Life Inside the Cloister    
Life Inside the Cloister    
Loci sacri    
Neo-Thomism in Action    
Rester Catholique en France    
Saving the Overlooked Continent    
Sign or Symptom?    
Territories of Faith    
The Christian Churches and Postwar Society
The Economics of providence / L'economie de la providence    
The economics of providence L'economie de la providence    
The maritain factor    
The Survival of the Jesuits in the Low Countries, 1773-1850    
The Transformation of the Christian Churches in Western Europe (1945-2000) / La transformation des églises chrétiennes en Europe occidentale    
Towards an era of development    
World views and worldly wisdom; Visions et expériences du monde