
Aristotle's Problemata in different times and tongues    
Between text and tradition    
Ptolemy’s tetrabiblos in the translation of William of Moerbeke    
Science translated    
Translating at the court    


Ancient and Medieval Philosophy - Series 1

A Text Worthy of Plotinus    
Ancient Perspectives on Aristotle's De Anima    
Aristotle and the Ontology of St. Bonaventure    
Averroes’ natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin West    
Diogenes of Oinoanda · Diogène d’Œnoanda    
Diogenes of Oinoanda · Diogène d’Œnoanda    
Epicureanism and Scientific Debates | Vol.1    
Epicureanism and Scientific Debates. Antiquity and Late Reception. | I. Language, Medicine, Meteorology    
Essays on Plato’s epistemology    
Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought    
Immanent Transcendence    
John Philoponus on Physical Place    
La puissance de l'intelligible    
Les dialogues platoniciens chez Plutarque    
Miroir et savoir    
On the borders of being and knowing    
Peter de Rivo on Chronology and the Calendar    
Petri Thomae quaestiones de esse intelligibili    
Pietro Pomponazzi and the Renaissance Theory of the Elements    
Platonic inspirations
Platonic Stoicism - Stoic Platonism    
Plotinus on Individuation
Ptolemy’s tetrabiblos in the translation of William of Moerbeke    
Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXXII    
Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXXII    
Quaestiones de ente
Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum    
Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum    
Radulphus Brito    
Regards sur les traditions philosophiques (XIIe-XVIe siècles)    
The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher    
The science of the soul    
Willensschwäche in Antike und Mittelalter    

Mediaevalia Lovaniensia - Series 1-Studia

Aristotle's Problemata in different times and tongues    
Between text and tradition    
Ecclesia in medio nationis    
From Eckhart to Ruusbroec    
Knighthood and Society in the High Middle Ages    
La transmission du savoir grec en Occident    
Lors est ce jour grant joie nee    
Medieval manuscripts in transition    
Paganism in the middle ages    
Pietro d’Abano, Expositio problematum (XIX)    
Science translated    
Symbolic communication in late medieval towns
The Body as a Mirror of the Soul    
The use and abuse of sacred places in late medieval towns
Translating at the court    
Wissensordnungen des Rechts im Wandel