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Lilian Edger
NUR Codes (sub)
720 Esoterie algemeen
Inleiding tot de parapsychologie
In 1878 an attempt was made to amalgamate it with an Indian Society that was believed — mistakenly, as was afterwards proved — to be working on similar lines. When the mistake was discovered, the attempt was, of course, abandoned; but it led indirectly to the removal of the founders to India, a step they had long wished to take, and to the remodelling of the objects of the Society. From this time its activity greatly increased, its membership was rapidly enlarged, and Branches were soon formed in various parts; until, at the present time, about twenty-seven years after its formation, it has about four hundred Branches in different parts of the world.
Its influence has made itself felt in all directions in helping to broaden religious thought and to check the materialistic scepticism that is even still so widely spread.
Its objects, as remodelled, were three, and they are now worded as follows:
1. To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour.
2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.
3. To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent