dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.



40th Edition

Ai Weiwei. 40th Ed.
Araki. 40th Ed.
Bettina Rheims. 40th Ed.
Bruegel. The Complete Paintings. 45th Ed.
Caravaggio. The Complete Works. 45th Ed.
Contemporary Japanese Architecture. 45th Ed.
David Bowie. The Man Who Fell to Earth. 40th Ed.
David Hockney. A Chronology. 45th Ed.
Egon Schiele. The Paintings. 45th Ed.
Fashion Designers A–Z. 40th Ed.
Frederic Chaubin. CCCP. Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed. 45th Ed.
Frida Kahlo. 40th Ed.
Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works. 45th Ed.
Hiroshige & Eisen. The Sixty-Nine Stations along the Kisokaido. 40th Ed.
Homes For Our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World. 45th Ed.
HR Giger. 45th Ed.
Japanese Woodblock Prints. 45th Ed.
Jean-Michel Basquiat. 40th Ed.
King Tut. The Journey through the Underworld. 40th Ed.
Living in Asia. 40th Ed.
Living in Mexico. 45th Ed.
Living in Provence. 40th Ed.
Living in Tuscany. 45th Ed.
Massimo Listri. Cabinet of Curiosities. 40th Ed.
Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries. 40th Ed.
Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography. 45th Ed.
Ralph Gibson. 40th Ed.
Scandinavian Design. 40th Ed.
Steve Schapiro. The Godfather Family Album. 45th Ed.
TATTOO. 1730s-1970s. Henk Schiffmacher’s Private Collection. 40th Ed.
The adidas Archive. The Footwear Collection. 40th Ed.
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel. 40th Ed.
The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.
The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.
The History of Graphic Design. 45th Ed.
The Marvel Age of Comics 1961–1978. 40th Ed.
The NASA Archives. 45th Ed.
The Star Wars Archives. 1977–1983. 45th Ed.
The Star Wars Archives. 1999–2005. 45th Ed.
The Walt Disney Film Archives. The Animated Movies 1921–1968. 45th Ed.
Vermeer. l'Oeuvre Complet. 40th Ed.
Vermeer. La Obra Completa. 40th Ed.
Vermeer. The Complete Works. 45th Ed.
Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979–Today. 40th Ed.



100 Interiors Around the World
1000 Chairs. Revised and updated edition
1000 Lights
Art for All. Modern Art Movements
Bookstand. Extra-Large. Crystal Green
Bookstand. Extra-Large. Radiant Pink
Dali. Les diners de Gala
David Bailey. Eighties
Design of the 20th Century
Greatest of All Time. A Tribute to Muhammad Ali
Harry Benson. The Beatles
King Tut. The Journey through the Underworld. 40th Ed.
LIFE. Hollywood
Living in Provence. 40th Ed.
Living in Tuscany. 45th Ed.
M.C. Escher. The Graphic Work
Modern Architecture A–Z
Pirate Tales
Sports Cars. 45th Ed.
The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.
The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.
The Package Design Book 6
The Package Design Book 7
Ultimate Collector Cars
Ultimate Collector Motorcycles

NUR Codes (sub)

300 Literaire fictie algemeen

Mijn eigen eenzame weg    
De kunst van het ouder worden    
De lente een veldslag    
Onmogelijk geluk    
De wetten    
De vriendschap    
Bezeten van mij    
Moord in Pompei    
Nederland volgens Youp    
Van het westelijk front geen nieuws    
Hoe duur was de suiker?    
De belofte - grote letter uitgave    
Witte doeken    
Licht op mijn huid    
Keetje Tippel    
Vijftien minuten    
Levend doelwit    
Moederdagpakket Holmes en Yttrup
Oog in oog    
De au pair - grote letter uitgave    
Intrige in Parijs    
Schrijfster in Jeruzalem    
Verdwaalde ster    
Dag van vreugde    
De stille gouvernante    
Pakket Bruiden van het Lehighkanaal
De nieuwkomer    
Pakket De helden van David
Zomer pakket A | Dwarsligger 2 en 1
Zomer pakket B | Dwarsligger 2 en 1
Zomer pakket C | Dwarsligger 2 en 1
Portret van een vrouw    
Een week in Parijs    
Nog vijf dagen    
Het lied van de waterval    
De jurkendief    


ART / American / General

Weather in the City    
Willem de Kooning: a portrait    
Willem de Kooning: een portret    
Contact Zones    
A Way of Living
Onze koloniale erfenis    
Een zwarte collage    
Anthony Cudahy
Sam Gilliam
For Freedoms
Midnight Moment
Monet / Mitchell
Thought Experiments
Shahzia Sikander
Americans in Paris
Keith Haring Journals
Landscapes of Extraction
Art in California
Robert Longo
Storm Cloud
The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.
The Art of Pin-up. 40th Ed.


Taschen GmbH

Sebastiao Salgado. Genesis
Sneaker Freaker. The Ultimate Sneaker Book
The Walt Disney Film Archives. The Animated Movies 1921–1968. 45th Ed.
Bruegel. The Complete Works
Hieronymus Bosch. The Complete Works. 45th Ed.
Massimo Listri. Cabinet of Curiosities. 40th Ed.
Gustav Klimt. The Complete Paintings
Frank Lloyd Wright
Bockemühl, M: Rembrandt (Spanish Edition)
Araki. 40th Ed.
Modern Architecture A–Z
The Gourmand’s Lemon
Van Gogh
M.C. Escher. The Graphic Work
Koolhaas. Elements of Architecture
Van Gogh. The Complete Paintings
The Package Design Book 6
Japanese Woodblock Prints. 45th Ed.
The History of Graphic Design. 45th Ed.
The Computer. A History from the 17th Century to Today
The Magic Mirror of M.C. Escher
Vermeer. The Complete Works. 45th Ed.
Caravaggio. The Complete Works. 45th Ed.
The adidas Archive. The Footwear Collection. 40th Ed.
Gustav Klimt. Complete Paintings
Tarot. The Library of Esoterica
Bruegel. The Complete Paintings. 45th Ed.
Homes For Our Time. Contemporary Houses around the World. 45th Ed.
Ai Weiwei. 40th Ed.
The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel. 40th Ed.
Plant Magick. The Library of Esoterica
Fashion Designers A–Z. 40th Ed.
The NASA Archives. 45th Ed.
The Star Wars Archives. 1999–2005. 45th Ed.
TATTOO. 1730s-1970s. Henk Schiffmacher’s Private Collection. 40th Ed.
Bookstand. Extra-Large. Crystal Green
Rembrandt. The Complete Self-Portraits
Living in Provence. 40th Ed.
David Hockney. A Chronology. 45th Ed.
Sneaker Freaker. World's Greatest Sneaker Collectors
Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography. 45th Ed.
Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries. 40th Ed.
Frida Kahlo. 40th Ed.
Gustav Klimt. The Complete Paintings
Vermeer 1632-1675