Jh Leeuwenhart
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Do You want to Know beyond the limitations of Your Knowledge? Do You want to travel through other Dimensions? Do You want to meet strange entities? Do You want to become a center point of Your Universe? Do You want to receive the answers to all questions of life and death? Do You want to become an Avatar or a comic book character? A Creation of entities Unknown? Do You want to Create a Dream? Are You aware that this book is Your one and only chance to change here and now. In this small work of metaphysics You could become a Reality Traveler. An Unknown entity who goes where no one goes and Knows what no one Knows. Some things You cannot share with others. Set Yourself open to Unique experiences, beyond Your three dimensional kind of Being. We, of the High Counsel of Reality Travelers, will share our experiences with You in this little booklet. Dare to enter the World of Reality Traveling, a World with its own physics, its own Laws of Existence.