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Statistics for Healthcare Professionals: An Introduction




British Social Theory
CBT for Common Trauma Responses
Community Psychology: Foundations for Practice
Counselor As Consultant
Policy Transfer and Educational Change
Social Network Analysis
Statistics for Healthcare Professionals: An Introduction
Statistics for Healthcare Professionals: An Introduction
The SAGE Handbook of Learning
The SAGE Handbook of Multilevel Modeling
The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis

NUR Codes (sub)

950 Technische wetenschappen algemeen

Lokaal energieneutraal    
Kengetallen bouwprojecten elektrotechnische installaties | 2015
Taxatieboekje gebouwschade | 2015
(Her)bouwkosten woningen | 2015    
(Her)bouwkosten bedrijfspanden    
Taxatieboekje (her)bouwkosten agrarische gebouwen | 2015    
Serie taxatieboekjes | 2015
Elektronica voor Dummie    
Wetgeving bouw en omgeving | Editie 2013    
Vastgoedmarkt 40 jaar    
(Over)spannend staal | 5 Staalprofielen    
Rekenvoorbeelden | 4 (Over)spannend staal    
Basis constructieleer    
Construeren A | 2 (Over)spannend staal    
Weervast staal    
Kracht + vorm    
Leren van instortingen    
Verdiepingbouw met staal
Het ontwerpen van woningen    
Veiligheid en milieu in laboratoria
Electronic power control 2. Electronic motor control
Electronic power control | i Power electronics    
De toegevoegde waarde van architectuur    
Kengetallen schoonmaakwerk instellingen | 2015
Kengetallen schoonmaakwerk bedrijfspanden | 2015
FM kosten september | 2014
Calculatieboekje schoonmaakwerk | 2015
FM Kostenkengetallen | 2015
De kleur van de stad    
Basisboek duurzame ontwikkeling    
Between rail and sleeper
Het Architectonisch Geheugen The Architectural Memory    
Toegepaste bouwfysica en instalaties    
De kracht van het evenwicht    
Steam energy or Atomic energy    
Stoom of atoom?    
Delfts goud    
Samenhang in vervoer- en verkeerssystemen    
Het voorgekookt bestaan    
Kostenkengetallen bouwprojecten werktuigbouwkundige installaties 2016
Kostenkengetallen bouwprojecten elektrotechnische installaties 2016
Kostenkengetallen bouwprojecten bouwkundig werk 2016
Taxatieboekje (Her)bouwkosten woningen 2016
Haal nu je rijbewijs | B
Verbeelding bouwbesluit | 2012    
Elektrische installaties in gebouwen    


MEDICAL / Research

Denken over technologie, gezondheid en zorg    
A Quick Guide on How to Conduct Medical Research    
Dierenbrein & mensenlijf    
How to Read a Paper
Qualitative Methods for Health Research
Vechten voor Eva    
Qualitative Research Methods for Nurses
Doing a Literature Review in Nursing, Health and Social Care
Making Sense of Research in Nursing, Health and Social Care
The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research
Researching Health
Artsen de wijk in    
Research Skills for Medical Students
The SAGE Handbook of Drug & Alcohol Studies: Biological Approaches
Qualitative Research Methods for Nurses
Doing a Literature Review in Nursing, Health and Social Care
Making Sense of Research in Nursing, Health and Social Care
Statistics for Healthcare Professionals: An Introduction
Statistics for Healthcare Professionals: An Introduction
Critical Participatory Inquiry
Is Medicine Still Good for Us?


Sage Publications Ltd

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
Statistical Methods for the Social and Behavioural Sciences
Cultural Studies
Managing and Organizations
The Established and the Outsiders
Learning Theories Simplified
Doing Digital Methods
Participatory Research
Qualitative Organizational Research
Corporate Governance
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Developing Gestalt Counselling
The Learning Mentor's Resource Book
Research Methods in Psychology
Qualitative Research and Theory Development
Six Key Approaches to Counselling and Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy
Tales from the Therapy Room
Health Promotion Settings
CBT with Children, Young People and Families
Doing Your Qualitative Psychology Project
Doing a Research Project in Nursing and Midwifery
Person-Centred Therapy with Children and Young People
Affect and Emotion
Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course
Normal Midwifery Practice
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
Existential Therapies
Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists
Gestalt Counselling in a Nutshell
Making the Most of Counselling & Psychotherapy Placements
A Practical Guide to Using Panel Data
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management
Developing Emotional Literacy with Teenagers
Reflective Practice and Professional Development
Key Concepts in Substance Misuse
The Science of Evaluation
Sociology for Health Professionals
Learning and Teaching Mathematics 0-8
Sports Journalism
Human Resource Development
An Introduction to the Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Reflection in CBT
Confidentiality & Record Keeping in Counselling & Psychotherapy
Skills in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Primary Mathematics Audit and Test
Primary Science Audit and Test
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Introduction to Education Studies
Consumer Behaviour
