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Managing Urban America




Managing Urban America
Managing Urban America
Managing Urban America

NUR Codes (sub)

740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen

Jeugdcriminaliteit in groepsverband ontrafeld    
Grondslagen SPH    
Kinderen die haten    
De gezonde samenleving    
Dromen, sprookjes, mythen    
Gij zult zijn als goden    
De ouderdom    
De tweede sekse    
Geloven binnen en buiten verband    
Disentangling an invisible trade    
Governance of innovation project management
Human dignity    
Ethiek en economie    
Erven en Schenken
Dokter is ziek    
De cultuur van angst    
Van Ver    
Het Communistisch Manifest    
Begeleiden van groepen    
Anders kijken    
Verbinding verbroken    
Regine regulations in Europe    
Leren uit de ontmoeting    
Kleine verhalen    
Het wilde denken
Ambtenaar op expeditie !    
De versplinterde samenleving    
Politiek cynisme    
Praktijkgerichte Sociale Vaardigheden    
Moord en doodslag
Depressie is geen ziekte    
Dynamism in Islamic Activism    
Nut en noodzaak van de mondiale voetafdruk
Basisprincipes praktijkonderzoek    
Vernederd, verkracht, verborgen
Seizoenen van de tijdgeest    
De gave van ADHD    
No time    
De shockdoctrine    
Hoe ongelijk is Nederland?
Welvaart in Nederland | 2014    
Adam en Eva in China    
Veroordeeld tot verbondenheid    
Leven met gemis    
Moeders van Afrika    
Melkert misleidde Beatrix    


SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Urban

Het pauperparadijs    
Gedeeld land    
De wereld redden    
Superdiversity in the heart of Europe    
De economie van de eer    
De aantrekkelijke stad    
Deftig en ondernemend    
Bombay, hyperstad    
Oog in oog    
Ondanks de zwaartekracht    
De Javastraat    
Van wie is de stad    
Amerikanen lopen niet    
De strijd om de stad    
Visualizing the Street    
Ideas of the City in Asian Settings    
Gelijke kansen in de stad    
Het recht van de snelste    
Shared Cities Atlas    
Plekken van hoop en verandering    
The Amsterdam Agenda    
Neighbourhoods for the City in Pacific Asia    
The Aesthetics of Global Protest    
De thuistocht    
Jij hebt ons niet ontdekt, wij waren hier altijd al    
Jong in de jaren zestig    
Mapping Landscapes in Transformation
Contemporary Practices of Citizenship in Asia and the West    
The Hard State, Soft City of Singapore    
Asian Alleyways    
Policor in de polder    
Hoe ik toch huisjesmelker werd    
Het landschap verstaan    
Skateboarding and Urban Landscapes in Asia    
Sociaal werk en mensenrechten    
Urban Homesteads
The Permanence of Temporary Urbanism    
Aesthetics of Gentrification    
Er is toch niks mis, dokter    
Urban Developments in Late Antique and Medieval Rome    
Rood in Wassenaar    
Migratie als DNA van Amsterdam    
Stadsgeschiedenis - 2021 - 1    
Killer Cities
Urban Analytics


CQ Press

Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts
Foundations of Comparative Politics - International Student Edition
International Studies: Global Forces, Interactions, and Tensions
The Essentials of Political Analysis
Russian Politics and Presidential Power: Transformational Leadership from Gorbachev to Putin
Political Behavior of the American Electorate
Public Policy
Global Issues 2022 Edition
Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations
Vital Statistics on American Politics
International Politics - International Student Edition
Human Resource Management in Public Service
Rebooting Policy Analysis
American Energy: The Politics of 21st Century Policy
Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Election?
Virginia Government: Institutions and Policy
Jr., L: American Intergovernmental Relations
The New Case for Bureaucracy
Write Choices: Elements of Nonfiction Storytelling
An Introduction to Civil Wars
Intelligence Collection
Public Service Ethics: Individual and Institutional Responsibilities
Making Diplomacy Work
State and Local Government
The Supreme Court Compendium: Data, Decisions, and Developments
Change and Continuity in the 2012 and 2014 Elections
Air Wars: Television Advertising and Social Media in Election Campaigns, 1952-2016
Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, and Ideas
Dynamics of Writing: An Exercise Guide
Human Resource Management in Public Service
Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Issues for Debate in American Public Policy
System under Stress: The Challenge to 21st Century Governance
Issues for Debate in American Public Policy: Selections from CQ Researcher
The Politics of the Presidency
International Conflict: Logic and Evidence
A Practical Introduction to Homeland Security and Emergency Management: From Home to Abroad
Issues for Debate in American Public Policy: Selections from CQ Researcher
Public Management: Thinking and Acting in Three Dimensions
American Foreign Policy Since World War II
Administrative Law
Media Ethics at Work: True Stories from Young Professionals
Managing Local Government: An Essential Guide for Municipal and County Managers
Historic Documents of 2017
Issues in Race and Ethnicity: Selections from CQ Researcher
Change and Continuity in the 2016 Elections
Issues in News and Reporting: Selections from CQ Researcher
Change and Continuity in the 2016 and 2018 Elections
Historic Documents of 2019
Washington Information Directory 2020-2021
