Marina Eggermont
Paula Van Kerchove
Corinne Claes
Clara van Leeuwen
Ingrid de Vuyst
NUR Codes (sub)
430 Fauna algemeen
PETS / Dogs / Breeds
Honden van de wereld
"Born in 1959 in Antwerp, Belgium, I obtained my first Saarloos Wolfdog in 1986 and a whole new world opened for me. In 2003 my husband Jean and I discovered the Spencer wolfdog. Through stories we encountered over the years in raising seven wolfdogs, I want to give an insight into the character of these dogs and their special needs. Too many wolfdogs end up in shelters because the owners didn't get enough information about how to bring these animals up. Therefore this book is mainly dedicated to prospective owners and those who have trouble in understanding their animal. But surely, experienced owners also, will enjoy the adventures, remembering all the good for nothing stuff their own wolfdogs put them through." © Marina Eggermont