Sylvana Ligtenberg
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De kracht van Montségur
It was over 3000 years ago that the Rava lost their Ravita, and with that their chance of surviving the rising power of the Freyr. With the Freyr’s final charge against the world becoming more and more of an inevitability by the day, many believed all hope was lost. Until the twins were born. One of them, a girl named Artemis, proved to be in possession of a great power. Quite possibly the only power capable of defeating Ive and his army of Titani. However, it quickly became obvious that there was more to the young Ravita than her God-like abilities. In the year 3025 P.F., near the end of the Second Great War, Artemis published her first book to the Rava, and later the world, in which she explains the uncomfortable truth about her supposed heroism, and the Freyr’s inherently evil nature. All the while changing humanity's perspective on the answers to some of the biggest questions of that time: What are we fighting for? Who or what are we fighting against? Why do we fight each other? Why do we fight ourselves? Is there any meaning to our lives, our deaths, our victories and our losses?