dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

Introduction to Financial Derivatives



Open Press Tilburg University

Basics of American labour law    
Basics of European Labour Law
Evidence based HRM    
Introduction to Financial Derivatives
Introduction to Financial Derivatives    
Second Thoughts    


J.M. Schumacher

Introduction to Financial Derivatives
Introduction to Financial Derivatives    

NUR Codes (sub)

780 Economie en bedrijf algemeen

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Bedrijfsadministratie MBA    
Financial Instruments 2009
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Tegen de trojka    
A Guide through IFRS 2014
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IFRS 2014 Consolidated without early Application
Kostencalculatie | Niveau 5 MBA    
Kleine gids voor het einde van de wereld    
Nooit meer sjoemelen    


Open Press Tilburg University

Introduction to Financial Derivatives
Introduction to Financial Derivatives    
Basics of American labour law    
Evidence based HRM    
Redelijk Aandeel
Second Thoughts    
Reflections on European Values
Evidence based HRM
Homo Ludens and No End
Second Thoughts
Technology And Regulation 2019
Technology And Regulation 2020
Basics of American Labour Law
Guide to European Labour Law
Sensing The Risk
Socioeconomic Deprivation and the Support for Populism
Critical and Scientific Thinking
Kritisch en Wetenschappelijk Denken
Technology And Regulation 2021
Technology and Regulation 2021 Special Issue
Evidence Based HRM
Het kritisch literatuur lexicon van de 21e eeuw
Basics of American Labour Law
The Good of the University
De sociologie en de pandemie
Asking Questions About Asking Questions on the Anthropocene
The Socio-Legal Lab
Publieke inkoop
Atlas of European Values
In Ordinata Concordia
Educational Utopias
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Gender-Inclusive Translation Technologies
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages
Waar kunst religie kust
Elfvoudig mbo
Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion
"Who are those People?”
A Social Practice Account of Responsible Persons
Heeft dit überhaupt iets met god te maken?
Courtroom tech
Robot Rechter
From Regulating Human Behaviour to Regulating Data