dit werk kent de volgende uitvoeringen

The Penal System



George Mair

The Penal System
The Penal System

James Dignan

The Penal System
The Penal System

Jamie Bennett

The Penal System
The Penal System

Mick Cavadino

The Penal System
The Penal System

NUR Codes (sub)

740 Mens en maatschappij algemeen

Jeugdcriminaliteit in groepsverband ontrafeld    
Grondslagen SPH    
Kinderen die haten    
De gezonde samenleving    
Dromen, sprookjes, mythen    
Gij zult zijn als goden    
De ouderdom    
De tweede sekse    
Geloven binnen en buiten verband    
Disentangling an invisible trade    
Governance of innovation project management
Human dignity    
Ethiek en economie    
Erven en Schenken
Dokter is ziek    
De cultuur van angst    
Van Ver    
Het Communistisch Manifest    
Begeleiden van groepen    
Anders kijken    
Verbinding verbroken    
Regine regulations in Europe    
Leren uit de ontmoeting    
Kleine verhalen    
Het wilde denken
Ambtenaar op expeditie !    
De versplinterde samenleving    
Politiek cynisme    
Praktijkgerichte Sociale Vaardigheden    
Moord en doodslag
Depressie is geen ziekte    
Dynamism in Islamic Activism    
Nut en noodzaak van de mondiale voetafdruk
Basisprincipes praktijkonderzoek    
Vernederd, verkracht, verborgen
Seizoenen van de tijdgeest    
De gave van ADHD    
No time    
De shockdoctrine    
Hoe ongelijk is Nederland?
Welvaart in Nederland | 2014    
Adam en Eva in China    
Veroordeeld tot verbondenheid    
Leven met gemis    
Moeders van Afrika    
Melkert misleidde Beatrix    



Building Bridges    
Detentiebeleving van geïnterneerde vrouwen    
Genoegdoening & redelijkheid    
The Penal System
The Penal System
Twee eeuwen gevangen    
De persoon van de verdachte    
Being consequential about restorative justice    
Prisons & Punishment
Offender Rehabilitation
Remaking justice after sexual violence    
Vreemdelingendetentie in de Lage Landen
Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice    
Community Projects as Social Activism: From Direct Action to Direct Services
Correctional Mental Health
Correctional Theory
Restorative Justice Today: Practical Applications
The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future
Professional Lives of Community Corrections Officers: The Invisible Side of Reentry
Community Corrections
The Penal System
Sex and Crime
Corrections: A Text/Reader
State-Building, Lawmaking, and Criminal Justice in Afghanistan    
Grip of in de Greep?    


SAGE Publishing Ltd

Beginning Statistics
Corporate Communication
Doing Business Research
An Introduction to Middle East Politics
An Introduction to Management Consultancy
Media and Society
Research Methods in International Relations
Grounded Theory
Qualitative Psychology
Qualitative Researching
Qualitative Research in Business and Management
Knowledge Management
Visual Methodologies
Being Ethnographic
Social Cognition
An Introduction to Coaching Skills
The Sociology of Work
Quantitative Social Science Data with R
Research Methods in Politics and International Relations
Advanced Coaching Practice
Digital Marketing
Understanding Journalism
Introducing Intercultural Communication
Marketing Communications
An Introduction to Qualitative Research
Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti
The Penal System
The Penal System
Managing Change in Organizations
Research Methods in Accounting
Corporate Communication
Global Marketing and Advertising
Consumer Behavior and Culture
Statistics People Who Think They Hate Statistics - International
Analysis in Qualitative Research
Mathematical Misconceptions
Qualitative Research Practice
Psychology for Medicine and Healthcare
Doing Research in the Real World
Crown confidential: How Britain's royals censor their records
