Tor US
A Song Below Water
Double Solitaire
Dune: The Duke of Caladan
Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds
Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds
Origins of The Wheel of Time
Rhythm of War
Rhythm of War
Siege of Stone
The Eye of the World
The Fragile Threads of Power
The Lost Metal
The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World
Warrior of the Altaii
Kevin J. Anderson,
Bethany C. Morrow,
Goodkind, Terry,
Brian Herbert,
Robert Jordan,
Jordan, Robert,
Livingston, Michael,
Martin, George R. R.,
Brandon Sanderson,
Sanderson, Brandon,
V E Schwab,
Snodgrass, Melinda
NUR Codes (sub)
300 Literaire fictie algemeen,
330 Spannende boeken algemeen
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