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E-book (epub)
NUR 697 Politieke geschiedenis en geschiedenis van de internationale betrekkingen
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Edy Korthals Altes
NUR Codes (sub)
680 Geschiedenis algemeen
Ondergang van het romeinse ryk
Een zee van tijd
The Armoured Campaign in Normandy, june-August 1944
The Queen and Mrs Thatcher
POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / Arms Control
Maoism, Democracy and Globalisation: Cross-currents in Indian Politics
POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / Diplomacy
Backcard a 6 ex. Wat er op het spel staat
An Experts' Guide to International Protocol
Contemporary Cases in U.S. Foreign Policy
Piece of War: Narratives of Resilience and Hope
Peace and Conflict Studies
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Military Policy
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Security (National & International)
Intelligence Analysis - International Student Edition
Security and Crime
An Introduction to Civil Wars
A Practical Introduction to Security and Risk Management
International Conflict: Logic and Evidence
What Do We Know and What Should We Do About the Irish Border?
Issues in Terrorism and Homeland Security: Selections From CQ Researcher
Cases in International Relations: Pathways to Conflict and Cooperation
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