
Exploring Architectural Form: A Configurative Triad    
Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature 1    
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 5
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 5 (pod)    


Footprint Journal

Conflict Mediations    
Constellation of awakening: Benjamin and architecture    
Exploring Architectural Form: A Configurative Triad    
Footprint 23 The Architecture of Logistics
Footprint 24 The Architecture of Housing after the Neoliberal Turn
Footprint 25. The Human, Conditioned    
Footprint 26. The Architecture Competition as ‘Contact Zone    
Footprint 28    
Footprint 30. Epiphylogenetic Turn and Architecture    
Footprint 31    
Rethinking the Architecture of Dwelling the Digital Age    
Situating more-than-Human Ecologies of Extended Urbanisation    
The Architecture of Populism    

Writingplace Journal

Writing Urban Places    
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature #7    
Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature 1    
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 2
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 4
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 4 (pod)    
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 5
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 5 (pod)    
Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 6