Ernst Marais
New Perspectives on Acquisitive Prescription
Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in expropriation
Rethinking expropration law II: context, criteria, and consequences of expropriation
NILG - Vastgoed, Omgeving en Recht
De aanpak van malafide pandeigenaren & de handhaving van de woningwet
De executoriale verkoop van onroerende zaken door de hypotheekhouder
De flexibiliteit van het recht van erfpacht
Landjepik in Nederland / Illegal Land Use in the Netherlands
National-Level Adoption of International Standards on Expropriation, Compensation and Resettlement
New Perspectives on Acquisitive Prescription
Procedures of forbearance and mortgage enforcement
Procedures of forbearance and mortgage enforcement
Property Law Perspectives V
Rethinking Expropriation Law III
Rethinking Expropriation Law IV
Vastgoed, omgeving & recht
Naar een verbeterde vastgoedketen
Rethinking expropration law I: public interest in expropriation
Rethinking expropration law II: context, criteria, and consequences of expropriation
Boom uitgevers Den Haag